Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun] headquarters " in BNC.

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1 In organisations where there is an intermediate level ( eg divisional , regional or subsidiary company headquarters ) between the establishment and the enterprise headquarters , an interview is being conducted at this level also .
2 It has been said that Peter 's military and naval staff headquarters were almost Scottish institutions .
3 It 's turned into a surprise best seller , with the European Commission and Tory Party headquarters among those wanting a copy .
4 Toronto-based CAE Industries Ltd reports that its CAE-Link Corp unit has won a contract from the UK Ministry of Defence for a higher formation battle trainer for the British Army : terms were not disclosed , but CAE-Link will develop , install and maintain a command-and-control trainer to simulate a round-the-clock battle in real time for up to six weeks , creating the battlefield communications flow between the staff being trained , higher headquarters and subordinate unit headquarters ; it will consist of a central server networked to 170 controller and operator stations at two sites in the UK and Germany ; it has to be transportable for use at other training sites .
5 Similarly , although the works clubs which are in charge of workplace negotiations in Sweden are sub-organisations of the branches of the national unions and less loosely linked to union organisation than the equivalent shop steward system in Britain ( at least before the expansion of single-employer bargaining ) , nevertheless they act independently of the branch and national union headquarters .
6 Labours local Government spokesman , David Blunkett came to the transport and general workers headquarters in gloucester armed with a cheque : the sum on it , the amount labour says an average familly of two in gloucester would be better off by under their fare rates scheme , compared with how much they pay in poll tax .
7 Instead , the speakers for the religions seem to be almost indifferent to the lying , cheating , devious commercial practices , the usury , the violence of petty and major crime , the unbridled selfishness manifest among some of the multitudes using the roads , the odour of the suspicion of bribery and corruption rising above the town halls and other organisation headquarters and many other evils .
8 As well as central London headquarters , branches were known to exist at Hackney , Kentish Town , Bristol , Glasgow and Newcastle upon Tyne .
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