Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] held [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The cases do suggest , however , that where a director does possess a relevant expertise he should be judged by the standards of a competent practitioner of it , presumably on the ground that he has expressly or impliedly held himself out as being appropriately qualified .
2 She played with her leather gloves , turning each finger inside-out then carefully back again , aware that he was looking at her in that old , familiar searching way that somehow held her spellbound , draining her will to push the door and get away .
3 It involved an investment cartel in a commodity that always held its value , no matter what might happen in world affairs , no matter what the state of Third World debt , no matter who was at war with whom .
4 His arms he folded round her , and so held her for a moment passive ; then with a sudden sharp sigh she embraced him again , quivering , and lifted her mouth to him ravenously .
5 She took a couple of tentative steps but he reached out and swiftly held her by the shoulders .
6 She shot her arm out and tried to grab it from him , but his fingers closed firmly around her wrist and easily held her at bay .
7 Marx downed his glass in one gulp and absent-mindedly held it out for more .
8 Picking up the long gun , Doyle ran his finger along the barrel and then held it out to the Hare-woman .
9 Tammuz took a swig from a bottle and then held it out .
10 Primaflora took the kerchief and drew it over her cheeks and then held it taut , staring at the damp blotches .
11 Wondering who had wrote it , Katherine turned the letter over in her hands , and then held it up to the light , looking for a watermark — anything which would indicate its origin .
12 He touched the fountain-pen and then held it in his hand .
13 The views of his French contemporary , the Carmelite , Jean de Venette , corresponded almost exactly ; not without reason did the poor people of France have little trust in the nobility who abused them and their property and virtually held them to ransom in the most disgraceful way .
14 Herluin had opened his mouth and drawn breath to ride over his presumptuous novice with a torrent of indignant words , but then held his breath even before the abbot had cautioned him with a peremptory hand .
15 The old mandarin allowed his eyelids to droop fractionally in acknowledgment of the American 's compliment when it was translated but otherwise held his face expressionless .
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