Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] far [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was impossible to calculate where or how far away .
2 Some researchers believe that this is related to the time orientation or how far ahead an individual thinks or plans .
3 If it appears relatively flat and equidistant , or quite far away , the lack of parallax may not be a problem at all .
4 Calls , too , can supplement other signals when horses are too close or too far apart to see each other .
5 Try not to hang things too close , too high , or too far apart .
6 You may discover that you 've chosen to fish a line too close in or too far out .
7 On the basis of this analogy we may call a ring current a magnetic dipole , or more precisely we should say that sufficiently far away from a ring current the magnetic field appears as if it was created by two closely spaced magnetic charges ( which of course do not exist ) .
8 Walley commented , ‘ As long as the service agreements are being met , I do n't think it 's important to talk about the topology ’ — although SuperJANET 's Dr Geoff Manning says that so far only three switches are in operation .
9 Police , however , say that so far only one or two isolated incidents have been reported .
10 Mr Kemp said that so far around 90 elderly people had been found new homes most in other council-run establishments .
11 Even DEC may find that it may need to hang on to its V.3.2-level Ultrix rather longer than it intended : it says that so far about 500 of the 3,000 Ultrix applications are being converted for OSF/1 , which does n't sound like unbounded enthusiasm on the part of the industry .
12 So we know that so far about fifty percent of our anthropogenic C O two has been locked away in this system in the ocean .
13 It appears that as far back as 1984 , perhaps even 1983 , the authenticity of the Lebanese export licenses became an issue when a museum curator [ the Getty ] contemplating purchase of the treasure rejected the licenses as forgeries .
14 History tells us that as far back as the 12th century , there used to be a fortified castle here .
15 But it is sometimes forgotten that as far back as 1909 he built his own aeroplane in which he then made the first recorded flight over Ireland .
16 However , she pointed out that as far back as 1980 , the Sports Council had been recommending all governing bodies to charge a minimum subscription of £2.00 per person .
17 However , it is clear that currently far too much fat is consumed and it is an ideal area in which to make a significant reduction without fear of nutrient deficiency .
18 I was still on the shores of the same great sea and yet had been transported into quite another world , a place on the edge of a China which seemed to have nothing in common with those islanders so forgotten and so far away .
19 As for the planets , it 's Mercury , Venus , Earth , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune , Pluto — poor Pluto , subzero , subnormal , made of ice and rock , and so far away from the warmth and the shine .
20 Erm and so far well I 'm certainly willing to confess that I took these away full of good intentions and have have so far carried around this torn up copy of the Greater London Green Party for months .
21 The regulation and growth of cells was much more complicated than originally believed , and so far more than 40 different types of oncogenes have been discovered in experiments using retroviruses , said the assembly citation .
22 John Arlott pointed to the importance of Australian influences on his next and so far more important book , The Players .
23 He did , however , make a brief appearance in Scouseland this summer for the premiere , and so far only , performance of his ‘ Oratorio ’ in the Anglican cathedral , his first serious musical work since Rupert and the Frog Song .
24 Only resource-starved , energy efficient Japan , the first and so far only victim of nuclear warfare , carried the torch of nuclear power with undiminished enthusiasm .
25 It 's pouring down with rain , bitterly cold , extremely muddy and so far only half the PA 's turned up .
26 It is not a full operating system implementation and so far only IBM has signed for what observers have dubbed ‘ Mac in a box . ’
27 He recalls that in 1981 , when he ‘ crossed over ’ to become the first , and so far only , sports writer ever to win the ‘ Journalist of the Year ’ Award , Colin Hart , a sports columnist with the Sun , approached him and said ‘ Congratulations Hughie , you 've just struck a blow for the Toy Department ! ’
28 Similar powers in the Housing Act of 1890 had only been permissive and so far only a few councils ( notably London ) had been active house builders ; indeed some , including Birmingham , had regarded the proposition as a matter of last resort .
29 That was what he hoped people would think , she knew , and so far only she was aware that he was here , relentlessly at her side , for personal reasons .
30 The man who made the original and so far only allegation of sexual abuse is believed to be living in England .
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