Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] as making " in BNC.

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1 John , who is a full time shift worker , has been polishing off most the Peak 's F8a+ in good time , having also recently red-pointed Boat Boys , Chimes of Freedom as well as making the 6th ascent of Zeke the Freak ( F8b ) .
2 Also , manufacturers have upgraded the specification of diesel cars as well as making greater use of turbo-chargers to improve performance .
3 With the advent of electrics , journey times were to be halves , as well as making life easier for locomotive crews .
4 Although many of the gears are of iron construction there are still a number with wooden teeth , this leading to quieter running , as well as making repairs easier .
5 Marjorie helps him on with his camelhair overcoat , a garment she persuaded him to buy against his better judgement , for it hangs well below his knees and , he thinks , accentuates his short stature , as well as making him look like a prosperous bookie .
6 Of course during the ramp 's 11 year history as well as making professional skaters it has attracted a fair few .
7 If the family finances have been badly affected by the patient 's stroke , you may have to go to work as well as making provision for caring for the patient .
8 But in fact every creative and inventive and imaginative activity ( including that of inventing new tools ) is better done with the help of ‘ technology ’ , and so a failure to familiarize children at school with the use of such technology inhibits their imaginative potential , as well as making them incompetent and virtually unemployable when they leave school .
9 Tokenism , as this ‘ women 's season ’ showed , can be useful in that as well as making a gesture towards ‘ minority ’ interest it at the same time betokened the absence of women 's film on television which it sought to undo .
10 He wanted to make a person people would love — a little man of courage and kindness , a ‘ gent ’ down on his luck — and the character became loved all over the world , as well as making all the world laugh .
11 AMERICAN scientists have found an effect that may cast doubt on a whole body of research in the evolution of the Solar System , as well as making physicists look again at the subject of isotopes , forms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons in the nucleus .
12 Exercise tones you up all over and as well as making you feel fresher and fitter , it helps you to sleep better .
13 When the feet are hurting it shows in the face , as well as making you thoroughly miserable , so go to see a qualified chiropodist .
14 This kind of experience can reinforce our sense of insecurity , as well as making the burden of sadness unbearably heavy .
15 The display is simple and of high quality , and , best of all , can be extinguished entirely , which is a useful aid to concentration as well as making a small but positive contribution to sound quality .
16 As well as making power stations more efficient , electrical appliances and living and work spaces can be improved too .
17 The candidates themselves may have to commit more time to the interview selection process ; the interviewers will have to ensure they leave enough time for discussion between themselves as well as making their own post-interview notes ; time will have to be set aside for the interviewers to meet and finalize their decision .
18 The extra 136 kilos in the stretched long-nose type gives it both much-needed freight and luggage space as well as making the aircraft easier to balance — always an interesting exercise in pre-flight planning for the pilots .
19 As well as making various suggestions for changes to the VAT regime , problems were perceived where shares received from unapproved share option schemes have become valueless .
20 This meant she had to help patients with personal hygiene , dressing and un-dressing them , and assisting in feeding them ; she also got involved in weighing patients , taking samples and temperatures , and helping prepare patients for operations as well as making snacks and beds .
21 As well as making abstract pictures of pressed flowers , you can also make much more naturalistic designs .
22 This practice made the clay into a more workable material , improved the firing qualities as well as making economic use of the materials readily available on the farm .
23 Phoning an HIV/AIDS helpline ( see Helplist ) may sort out your doubts , as well as making clear what you need to do to avoid HIV in the future .
24 But after three disappointing Five Nations games , Ciaran Fitzgerald drafted him into the side — as well as making him captain — for the game in Paris .
25 As well as making quick botch jobs of things that need careful repair if they are not to fall apart again next week , teachers , when they confront the impossibility of doing everything they ought to do head on , are faced with making some very tough priority decisions .
26 Making it clear that it really does recognise that the only way to revitalise its languishing business units is to hire outsiders for some of the key positions , IBM Corp late Friday announced that as well as making its AdStar Inc storage unit a wholly-owned subsidiary , it had hired industry veteran Ed Zschau , System Industries Inc founder and one-term Republican representative , to be its chairman and chief executive — and an IBM vice-president , relegating the unit 's former general manager Ray AbuZayyad to the post of president and chief operating officer .
27 Text editing facilities must include the ability to add , move , copy , and delete blocks of text as well as making simple editing alterations .
28 His position within the duchy had brought him the support of men who would otherwise have been outside his sphere of influence , as well as making him the better lord for his own servants .
29 Do n't forget to record positive foods As well as making a not of any foods that have caused reactions , keep a note of all the foods that you feel happy about eating , i.e. those that have not caused you any problems or any weight gain .
30 As well as making claims about the efficiency of markets , the theory denies the existence of producer power , at the same time drawing a reassuring analogy with democratic control in the political sphere : corporate behaviour is no more than a reflection of the popular will , expressed not through the ballot box , but via individual purchase decisions .
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