Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] thinks of " in BNC.

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1 I am greatly touched that she thinks of me and remembers me even in the state of forgetfulness of human affairs in which she now finds herself .
2 Well , of course , it is inevitable that one thinks of it from that angle from the way one has been brought up but actually one ca n't think of anything more barbaric than the Crucifixion and that way of killing somebody .
3 But there clung about her something that seemed much older , ten years older , a sort of coolness — not coldness or indifference , but a limpid aloofness ; coolness in the way that one thinks of coolness on a hot summer 's day .
4 Qaddafi 's offers of union with Tunisia , Egypt , Syria and Morocco seem to indicate that he thinks of the Arab nation .
5 This suggests that he thinks of the impression as being something that could have a name of its own .
6 She says that he thinks of her as Mum .
7 And you thinks of his mum !
8 I wonder if she thinks of me ?
9 If one thinks of what was done one must also think of those who did it . ’
10 If one thinks of the DNA codes for proteins as records in a jukebox , the problem is to understand why one disc , say the haemoglobin theme , is played only in red blood cells while another , the albumin theme , is played only in liver cells .
11 The farmers and shepherds in the valleys may seem to have lived an isolated existence , if one thinks of Michael , but the wool from the sheep would be carded and spun in the cottages , and ultimately sent to the towns .
12 But it no longer seems so queer if one thinks of rationality as starting not in inference from observations but in the testing of spontaneous expectations , just as in our theory of valuation it starts from choice between spontaneous inclinations .
13 If one thinks of feeling a sensation in some part of one 's body on the pattern of being aware of the position of something , then the fact that position is not a quality will seem relevant .
14 And furthermore , ‘ one will understand nouns and verbs better if one thinks of the role that they adopt in narrative ’ .
15 But for all its forced and rather infuriating serenity , the letter 's tone was partially warranted , if one thinks of all that France and de Gaulle had been through since June 1940 .
16 Thirdly , Lyons points out that if one thinks of anaphora as reference to entities already established in the domain of discourse , then the ways in which they are referred to in anaphoric reference commonly make use of the order in which they were introduced by the discourse itself .
17 And if anybody thinks of any more diary dates or anything .
18 I was never going to be a replacement for his wife , just a diversion , and I hope that , if he thinks of me at all , it is with the same shiver of half-remembered pleasure with which I think of him .
19 Since the precise criteria of synonymy can not be defined , it is argued , there can be no useful work for this concept to do ; unless one thinks of synonymy merely as one of " degree " .
20 But he thinks of me as a child , someone too unsophisticated and inexperienced for him . ’
21 I admit it sounds like a lot ; but that 's because everybody thinks of what they could do with it if it ended up in their bank account .
22 The activity which his reason can criticize and partially direct was not initially chosen by him , it is spontaneous ; the physical processes of birth , breathing , digestion , orgasm , death ; the emotions ; the desires and aversions which are independent of his principles and may conflict with them , irrespective of whether he thinks of them as innate or as socially conditioned ; dream , reverie and fantasy ; ecstasies of love , mystical illumination , intellectual discovery , artistic creation and contemplation .
23 And every year the little creeper remembers the words of the angel and blushes again as she thinks of them .
24 Though one thinks of The Bartered Bride ( among other things ) as a cataract of marvellous vocal melody , it is rarely well performed in Britain , mainly because of our lack of really deep-chested lyric tenors of the type that can making singing Czechs such enthralling neighbours .
25 Prediction has been shown to be difficult , if not dangerous , when one thinks of all those worthy , well-written , sincerely felt , and critically-supported books that remain unread ( see Manning , 1969 ; Avery , 1972 ) , and those obvious , apparently superficial and mundane pot-boilers that gain young readers ' affections .
26 When one thinks of the number of miserably displaced children from broken homes who 've been given a sense of purpose by the Pony Club ’ Sukey was saying , then , lowering her voice , ‘ take Perdita Macleod .
27 I lived in the book , as — in your others : I liked particularly Isabella and Evalie , and their gay early middle age — how comforting , too , to be with people who find ‘ the Change ’ such fun , when one thinks of the depressing nonsense that most people make out of it … .
28 And when one thinks of individual subjects , why is mathematics typically in the science faculty when it is not a science ?
29 The total area dealt with before 1760 could hardly have exceeded 400,000 acres , a negligible amount when one thinks of England as a whole — only just over one per cent .
30 This lack is astonishing when one thinks of the innumerable ancient towns of England that richly deserve such a study .
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