Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] apart [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A profession tends to have few members , each member possessing esoteric knowledge which sets him or her apart from their peers .
2 ‘ Some fools consider that nothing apart from the body exists , because movement arises from the body .
3 Miranda even managed a smile , revelling in the fact that someone apart from herself appreciated Doogie , if only for his street-fighting qualities .
4 Yeah , but then , if it 's obscure that nobody apart from someone working in the office that 'll understand it , does it matter ?
5 My chair and everything apart from the rod , landing net and loaf , are left up the bank .
6 Who else has got the largest record collection in the world ( well , OK , the BBC , but who apart from them ) ?
7 My father had left , but everything apart from his absence was as it had been .
8 But they apart from Stan do n't look like scoring and er this here is an example of of really superb play .
9 BMC national officer Roger Payne explained that the policy at the BMC is to try and give funding to experienced groups of British climbers attempting the sort of peaks which provide a strong technical challenge but are unlikely to get commercial sponsorship , simply because no-one apart from climbers has ever heard of them .
10 In emphasising form and the ‘ gratuitousness ’ to daily concerns Kolve is reflecting the writing of the Dutch anthropologist and philosopher Johan Huizinga ( 1970 ) who also sees play ( in all its senses ) as something apart from ‘ ordinary life ’ and as a means of ‘ creating order ’ .
11 This would seem to mark Alcester as something apart from the general category , and it is worth noting that the site lies almost equidistant , as the crow flies , from the major cities of Wroxeter , Leicester , Gloucester and Cirencester .
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