Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] found the " in BNC.

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1 I then got up and went into another room , where I found the father Delavaud , still clothed , and lying on the bed , dead .
2 I said goodnight and went to my own room where I found the sleeping-car attendant had duly lowered my bed and laid a chocolate truffle on the pillow .
3 Shortly afterwards officers smashed their way into Mrs Curran 's bungalow where they found the victims ' bodies in separate rooms .
4 At the end of the corridor leading from the front door was the kitchen , where he found the fridge .
5 Where he found the energy — Anyway , this poor child , only nineteen she was ( he should 've been ashamed of himself and him a man of forty ) — if she 'd only come to me at the start !
6 Boldwood walked across the fields to the pool , where he found the farm workers busily washing the sheep .
7 In 1875 Drummond was appointed locomotive superintendent of the North British Railway , where he found the locomotive stock and workshops somewhat run down .
8 He came to know Edward Johnston [ q.v. ] , whose seminal book , Writing and Illuminating and Lettering ( 1906 ) , stimulated his study of Renaissance handwriting and of palaeography , where he found the inspiration for the italic script and type associated with his name .
9 Although I found the food unappetizing , I warmed to the atmosphere of the place .
10 At the risk of seeming ungracious to my hosts , I must record that I found the Stiftungs beer more complex in character and traditional in style .
11 On a personal level , I have to say that I found the fellowship 's officials to be delightfully hospitable and to have a genuine love for God .
12 I think that someone found the rings that belonged to Parsons and Dashwood .
13 Perhaps the problem has been that the Americans have adopted Pop Art as a national institution and seen it as exclusively an American product , so I found the inclusion of the German painters , Sigmar Polke and Gerhard Richter , illuminating .
14 Once I found the first publisher , it just snowballed . ’
15 Tessa wrote to say that she found the shop which is tucked away behind ‘ Wheels 'n' Things ’ , a motor spares shop , quite by accident .
16 Emilia reveals that she found the handkerchief ( ‘ Villainous whore ! ’ and ‘ Filth ’ , he calls her ) , and with her dying breath — that most crucial of all utterances to Renaissance beliefs — proclaims her integrity : ‘ So come my soul to bliss , as I speak true ; /So speaking as I think , alas , I die ’ ( V.ii.253f . ) .
17 But Lydia had discovered , to her own surprise , that she found the matter too significant to quarrel about in a childish way .
18 He was laughing as he said this , but Cassie was not entirely sure that she found the idea particularly funny .
19 Nevertheless it was with a great sense of relief that she found the patio deserted save for a handful of hotel guests drinking beer and enjoying the late afternoon sunshine .
20 It occurred to her suddenly that she found the cloak-and-dagger element in all this vaguely disturbing , and totally unnecessary .
21 It was only when she went to supper that she found the reason why .
22 Glancing over , she saw he was deep in conversation , so she found the right amount and paid .
23 Although we found the geese , the nests were long deserted and the large creches of goslings were big enough to run much faster than we could .
24 We did n't know where it was and it was only at the end of the exhibition , when everything was being dismantled , that we found the piece hidden away and realised what had happened .
25 It was here that we found the official report of the operation by 22 Squadron on September 17 , 1940 , the report with which I had opened this story .
26 Sister Jane Anne , one of the monastery 's 14 nuns , said that they found the ministry 's statement ‘ very strange ’ .
27 I used to despise the people who wrote me letters from England showing that they found the world drab and depressing .
28 Whilst many people have written to say that they found the letter itself to be interesting and factual , the view has also been forcefully expressed that the quotation on the envelope implies a view that rape is somehow wrong , and to be opposed , only or primarily insofar as it may reduce a woman 's chances of marriage .
29 Fragmentation and excessive pace were also found to be important variables bearing on job satisfaction , with many workers , who did not find their work monotonous , stating that it did not absorb their full attention or that they found the pace of it too fast .
30 Few students said that they found the staff approachable , and some seemed just to muddle along , hoping that all would eventually be clear .
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