Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] come to " in BNC.

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1 I am uncomfortably bemused , so I come to the point of my visit .
2 Well one year it used to be that she come to us at dinner time
3 Once you have experienced regression a couple of times , however , you will have grown more confident in the technique , in the fact that the therapist is able to ensure that you come to no harm and in your own control of the situation .
4 That was why I insisted that you come to France .
5 It 's a frightening thought that you come to Grendon to sort yourself out , then you have to go back into the system .
6 Once you come to the end of the page — or some other sensible stopping point — and assuming that you have understood what you have been reading , write on your pad a heading and a list of the key words contained in the piece .
7 ‘ We could be happy together , once you come to terms with the fact that marriage is n't on my agenda . ’
8 It is only at this point that we come to the central theme , the reason why all those who wish to understand the problem of drugs in sport should read this book .
9 But if we react too strongly to fear , the brake is applied so hard that we come to a standstill , and fail to grow — which means a wasted lifetime .
10 He has been to Taiwan on two or three occasions and it was his idea that we come to New Zealand and develop our forward play ’ , said Lin .
11 And it is here that we come to the nub , theoretically , of the problem with Adorno 's whole approach to listening Dick Bradley ( n.d. ) points out that within a Marxist framework production and consumption can not properly be given the near-identity which Adorno attributes to them .
12 This paradox about being able to predict one 's actions is closely related to the problem I mentioned earlier : Will the ultimate theory determine that we come to the right conclusions about the ultimate theory ?
13 It is not until the death of Lowe , on September 30th 1467 , that we come to our next account in which a full description of the last hours of this Bishop are given .
14 The how we come to Jesus , the why 's we come to him are not the important thing , the real issue is that we come to him .
15 After the victory at the sea the triumph song , but hardly have the last notes escaped Israel 's lips than we come to the second story of complaint ( 15.22–7 ) .
16 ‘ Ah , so we come to the purpose of the exercise ?
17 Erm , so we come to special resolution number one , which is as set out on your order paper , which is to do with the replacement of a , er , clause in our Memorandum of Association , and I will invite Jeffrey to move it .
18 Once we come to terms with the very limited although crucial place of analytic thinking among the varieties of intelligent behaviour , we draw from ‘ Be aware ’ the corollary ‘ Reason as much as and no more than will assist awareness ’ .
19 Also , the tempi in the original Bruckner scores are much simpler than they come to be in some editions .
20 than they come to a halt , as if obeying
21 Eugene Malou and Frank Friedmaier are far more interesting than the people by whom they are condemned : the fact that they come to sticky ends is Simenon 's fig-leaf , his nod in the direction of conventional morality .
22 She knows that they come to life under her touch , and that they may carry their own life and their creator be forgotten .
23 But the effect I 've had on the straight world , the fact that they come to me and they feel comfortable , half knowing that maybe I 've been involved in … what to them is alternative sexuality , is a positive thing . ’
24 The danger with these time-removed antecedents is that they come to be regarded as irremediable causes ( which they are ) .
25 Only recently has it been discovered that they come to these special places to gather specific minerals such as kaolin which neutralise the poison they have absorbed from the seeds they eat at this season of the year .
26 The use of these specific substances or behaviours may trigger the underlying addictive potential so that they come to be used inappropriately and compulsively .
27 Apart from errors and omissions these are defined in the National Accounts in such a way that they come to the same value .
28 It would seem sensible to link risk with possession rather than with ownership , because the person in possession of the goods is in the best position to see that they come to no harm .
29 Fiona and Mark mean something quite different by the word " God " such that they come to diametrically opposite conclusions .
30 For Locke , then , ‘ general words signify … a sort of thing ’ ; and they do this by being a sign of an abstract idea or nominal essence in the mind , ‘ to which idea , as things existing are found to agree , so they come to be ranked under that name ; or … be of that sort ’ .
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