Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] fall into " in BNC.

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1 In the modern world , we are reduced to an idealized figment of the communist imagination or we fall into secular despair , but we can not be exalted as a personal being , uniquely loved for our own sake .
2 They knew him so well that everyone fell into a hush and appeared to move around him on tiptoes .
3 I was offered a pair of shoes for about one third more than the market price , and I was so much in need of shoes that I fell into temptation .
4 ‘ When I first got there it was a lot of fun , a big gay scene that I fell into , dancing every night .
5 Well , the main theory was that she fell into the river on one of her walks .
6 We hope that you fall into this category .
7 Once you fall into the rhythm of off-piste powder it is intoxicating .
8 If I could know that they fell into the hands of men of learning and curiosity , I should be more easy about them .
9 Re-examination of volcanic rocks within the NRS shows that they fall into two groups : alkali-olivine basalts of within-plate type , and calcalkali lamprophyres .
10 However , if we look at the remaining 20% of sessions we find that they fall into two classes .
11 Thus we have a situation where data is not transformed into information , ie what staff need is information that addresses a specific need or objective of their job , and what typically they receive is a mass of data not properly tailored to their needs and so difficult to penetrate that it falls into disuse .
12 It takes aim , compensating for the way that light bends as it passes from water to air and squirts a jet of drops , knocking the insect from its foothold so that it falls into the water and can be eaten .
13 Signs are that it fell into disuse during the period after the Romans had left and legendary Celtic leaders , such as Arthur , were endeavouring to maintain civilised standards against waves of barbarian invaders .
14 " I swear by the Blessed Virgin that it fell into the sea . "
15 Those were hectic days — he can remember coming home so tired after watch duty that he fell into bed , still dressed in over-coat , tin hat and boots .
16 It is surmised that he fell into the sea near Leith , perhaps overcome by the giddiness to which he was prone , following an attack of sunstroke in India .
17 ‘ Do you think it was here , on our premises , that he fell into the river ?
18 When I went up to investigate it the floor caved in beneath me and I fell into the middle of all those nasty plants . ’
19 They put things right with a smile when I got them wrong , and I fell into their ways and rhythm of working as well as I could .
20 I felt exhausted when I climbed into bed and I fell into a deep sleep from which I awoke next morning refreshed and happier .
21 And I fell into it .
22 What will he do if I fall into his hands again ?
23 And if I fall into the pulse at the start of a piece of music it is a physical joy .
24 You 're just straight upstairs and you fall into bed .
25 ‘ I reached out and touched her hand and she fell into my arms sobbing .
26 ‘ I reached out and touched her hand and she fell into my arms sobbing , her hands gliding pretty well all over my body ’
27 Half an hour later , the book slipped out of her hand and she fell into the first of the night 's uneasy periods of slumber .
28 Nils shoved her hard and she fell into the deep satin embrace of a sofa .
29 Instinctively Stephen held out his arms to catch her , and she fell into them with a ridiculous girlish giggle .
30 Dimitri opened the door and she fell into his arms .
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