Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] gets " in BNC.

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1 Yours , where one automatically gets the two interpretations : ‘ consider them ’ ( i.e. think about them ) , ‘ they are yours ’ , and ‘ Consider them yours ’ .
2 that she just gets a
3 A girl born with the umbilical cord twisted round her neck may feel that she always gets herself tied up in things .
4 Even though she has become Princess of Wales , the price Diana will probably pay is that she never gets to wear a crown .
5 Indeed it may well be that a claim for contribution in respect of exemplary damages is not within section 1(1) on the facts of this case , so that one never gets to section 2 in relation to such a claim .
6 I would say to you that the history of North Yorkshire County is that the house house builders have built , more or less the building rate of planning policy , whatever that has been , and that is a matter of fact , and if and if and if we are in a situation where the market is being fettered , as is the policy , and it 's not a policy which we are seeking to go away from specifically , and it is inevitable that the house builders will build to whatever the policy building rate is , and comparisons of one building rate with another are simply telling you what 's happened in the past , not what needs to happen in the future er in terms of meeting the housing requirement , and quite clearly in any area where you are introducing a new settlement , if indeed that 's the conclusion we come to , er late later on , erm and I hope we do , but if we are introducing a new settlement you are bound to skew the building rates , and the more and more you reduce the area in which you consider what the building rate effect is the more and more that it actually gets skewed , er and erm you know , quite frankly , when the developers built a new estate at the end of my particular street the building rate went up alarmingly in my area , er and er you know , we can go on forever like that , I just think it 's very misleading to just deal with the judgement of building rates .
7 The best hope of course is that the rates which the government has chosen to go in at will be sustainable , that the government will be able to combine cuts with interest rates , cuts in interest rates , with the needs of the economy and the constraints of the European Monetary System , so that it actually gets a downward path of interest rates at the rate which the economy needs , without provoking a sterling crisis which would push sterling to the bottom of its permitted rates , and produce a crisis of erm of confidence needing higher interest rates .
8 Through radical ‘ reflexive ’ spectacles , all this excavation work occurs so late in the process of constructing crime and criminals that it never gets to the foundations .
9 The whole island is like one huge tropical greenhouse , with the added attraction that it never gets too hot — a nice steady seventy degrees . ’
10 Even though today 's colours , perms and styling products are kinder than ever before , hair is still subjected to a daily assault course and more often than not , needs a little more loving care than it actually gets .
11 We soon reach Hungerford and Rob 's bridge which is so low that he usually gets cramp from bending flat on the boat .
12 It 's really out of condition at the moment because it 's permed and highlighted and when I 'm filming it gets sprayed to death so it just gets even dryer .
13 But Great Malvern was worth visiting , if only for the best one-liner of the conference , from Joan Beck , chief inspector of Doncaster SSD : ‘ Equal opportunities is all very well until someone else gets the job you wanted . ’
14 So , they 've had to get men in , to board the windows up then if somebody else gets the house , they 've got to get these men to come and take the boards down again , then they glazier has to put the window in .
15 Well I said , well I 'm not paying mine until somebody else gets theirs .
16 not , not even like in the right situation , she 's like just aggressive all the time and nobody particularly gets on with her or likes her because of this .
17 So nobody wins nobody loses anything and nobody really gets what they wanted out of it at the end anyway or not everything that they wanted .
18 In a pop gothic mishmash that splices a superhero revenge drama with a hi-tech Phantom Of The Opera , Liam Neeson plays a scientist who invents an artificial skin which melts in the light and who then gets burnt to cinders by gangster psychopaths covering up big-city corruption .
19 It would do the boys good to see how she got a qualification to teach people recovering from illness and so on ( and they are paid by health insurance companies , so it is well structured and she actually gets paid reasonably ) .
20 job to get out the house for a little while and she usually gets granny up , cos granny have to come down on one of those chairs .
21 It 's not cos she only gets a little bit .
22 ‘ Or what if she just gets wounded .
23 If she ever gets tired of me , Erin , I 'm sure she 'll put you high on her list — right after blue-trees . ’
24 They boss is just gon na keep sending messages until one finally gets through .
25 The sons are assembled for him , and he even gets a genetic guarantee of health .
26 Do mind the baby , children , oh dear , he always wants to join in and he invariably gets trodden underfoot — ’
27 Harry Connick Jr has been saying that since the tender age of eight when he stole the show in his native New Orleans , and he just gets better and better .
28 So he 'll arrive about twenty to , quarter to eight , and he just gets dropped off .
29 Ha ha you did get it and he still gets it .
30 We push his legs but they buckle at the knees , so we have to hold them up above our heads as we push to make them stay straight , then as we shove and his trousers are rolled down by the rim of stone , his arms flop over the far side of the shaft rim and it suddenly gets easier to push him .
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