Example sentences of "[conj] [be] unlikely [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose that on the basis of the observations at T 1 , we select a group of children of low reading ability for experimental remedial education , X. Even if X is useless , a child 's performance at T 2 can not ( or is unlikely to ) deteriorate since it is already at an extreme low but , through chance variation , it may move upwards giving an overall appearance of improvement .
2 There are many other books , even if they are not in quite so exclusive a category , that are unlikely to be found in any form at all ; to take a miscellaneous selection , Wordsworth 's and Coleridge 's Lyrical Ballads ( 1798 ) ; the suppressed first edition of Alice in Wonderland ( 1865 ) ; the first edition , first issue , of Fergus ( Ferguson Wright ) Hume 's Mystery of a Hansom Cab ( 1886 ) , John Bunyan 's Book for Boys and Girls : or , Country Rhimes for Children ( 1686 ) and Edgar Allan Poe 's Tamerlane ( 1827 ) .
3 The resource of more staff is one that is unlikely to be resolved , as staffing has been cut over the years .
4 And there was still the absurd question of protocol involved in who should occupy the Presidential Palace in Saigon which was turning into a long-running farce and one that was unlikely to be resolved in Bao Dai 's favour as long as de Lattre was High Commissioner .
5 People know the evidence of their pockets and are unlikely to be easily persauded that Mrs Thatcher 's Britain has been , or has yet become , the economic disaster area which Mr Kinnock depicted .
6 They require a powerful tractor , and are unlikely to be used on a smallholding .
7 As well as their daily pint of fresh milk taken in one form or another , if they can be encouraged to cook themselves some fresh green and root vegetables several times a week , so much the better , but these menus are designed primarily for old people who dislike spending much time on the preparation of their food and are unlikely to be persuaded past a certain point of effort .
8 Business people are usually travelling at the company 's expense and are unlikely to be on a strict budget .
9 These North Hill examples are probably contemporary with another mosaic from North Hill which has " L " shapes around a central square ( although the former are technically inferior , and are unlikely to be predominantly — if at all — the work of the same mosaicists ) .
10 Er , I mean lots of people have got nothing to do and are unlikely to be employed during that time .
11 No one willingly accepts that they are in the wrong and parents will certainly harbour resentment and be unlikely to positively support the school following a dispute where they are made to lose .
12 The rest , he said , " did not represent a necessity to us " and were unlikely to be " helpful to our security " .
13 In my view our fellow Members , who lived with us cheek by jowl , were fully aware of my strengths and weaknesses and were unlikely to be impressed by pictures of me on their TV screens dressed in a striped apron and pretending to wash up in the kitchen , as had happened during the Tory leadership election .
14 Sinclair 's , at all events , is the work of a Modernist , and is unlikely to be that of an occultist .
15 The Wimbledon and United States Open champion , who will also miss next week 's grand prix tournament in Sydney and is unlikely to be fit for Tokyo the following week , has now lost any chance of overhauling Ivan Lendl as world No. 1 before the end of the year .
16 The close relationship was partly a consequence of her rapport with President Reagan , and is unlikely to be as close with President Bush .
17 It is tempting to try to cram as much information as possible on to the page , a solid mass of print is unattractive to the eye and is unlikely to be read .
18 Associability does not fall to zero after just one exposure trial and is unlikely to be fully restored by a single reinforced conditioning trial .
19 He points out , for example , that personal change is a slow business and is unlikely to be achieved by attending an instant weekend run by est or some other faddish organisation .
20 Locally-trained Mauir Joyful ( 8.48 ) was impressive over the shorter course a week ago and is unlikely to be troubled in getting the extra distance .
21 The employee arrives here unsettled and is unlikely to be able to devote full attention and energies to the assignment .
22 The aircraft is in very poor condition and is unlikely to be capable of a full restoration .
23 It is a record that still stands , is even in he Guinness Book of Records and is unlikely to be broken .
24 Simons ( 1981 ) , for instance , argues that evaluation which is forced on schools by outsiders ( a power-coercive strategy ) is likely to be half-hearted , distort reality , engender defensiveness and hostility in teachers , and is unlikely to be sustained .
25 But I am afraid , since then , the Soviet Union has begun to face disintegration and is unlikely to be a major player .
26 Alas for them , Faber was not in Santa 's sack this year , and is unlikely to be for a long while .
27 She has communication difficulties and is unlikely to be able to deal with the matter herself .
28 This was not adopted and is unlikely to be , as it conflicts with the court 's ability to take into account policy factors and whether the civil action furthers the aims of the legislation .
29 Cowan is recuperating after an ear operation and is unlikely to be back in action for a month .
30 A panel of former Booker Prize judges questioned on a television programme in 1983 were agreed that the prize was for ‘ serious ’ novels and was unlikely to be awarded to a thriller , however skilful or original it might be .
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