Example sentences of "[conj] [be] just about " in BNC.

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1 Also it was n't exactly pleasant right here , with a November sharpness in the air that had arrived almost as a response to the Christmas lights and store displays that were just about everywhere now .
2 Mrs Dass exclaimed softly from her sun-chair in the bow window , and her husband confessed that he 'd found an old set of blackout curtains that were just about right for size .
3 I 'm afraid that 's just about all I can do . ’
4 were almost erm okay just like that , I mean there were one or two very good ones , I think there was one that was just about like that with the odd word and when an editor receives something like you , you know , it 's usually going to be something he wants to change very slightly , erm that , those were the best ones , there were in general however you have n't yet got used to the idea of editing .
5 Was ashore in a cleft among the rocks there and the the lifeboat had to turn in a position that was just about twice her own length .
6 MIDDLESBROUGH Bears and Newcastle Diamonds were outclassed in their heats of the Heat Team Championship and are just about eliminated from the competition .
7 Dear Anne Collins , ten years younger than me , taught early Renaissance painting and was just about my only real friend there .
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