Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun] watched " in BNC.

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1 Beyond her , there were more ranks of bared heads , this time facing the Collector ; their eyes , too , scanned him greedily , looking for fissures and further away still , two or three faces of sick or wounded men watched from the open windows of the hospital .
2 In New York , police estimated that 4,700,000 people watched what was believed to be the largest-ever ticker-tape parade .
3 The capacity of the south-east corner is only 2,108 and such was the demand for tickets in Leeds that 8,000 fans watched the match on close-circuit TV at Elland Road .
4 The capacity of the south-east corner is only 2,108 and such was the demand for tickets in Leeds that 8,000 fans watched the match on close-circuit TV at Elland Road .
5 When the return match was fought six weeks later , more than 10,000 spectators watched the same result at Third Lanark football club 's ground .
6 The Liverpool Stipendiary the other day confessed he had upon more than one occasion watched members of the City Police Force on point duty in various parts of the city , and he admitted he had been extremely confused at some of the signals given to traffic .
7 When pornography star Linda Lovelace gave up her seedy career and wrote an exposé of the porn business , she related an episode in which she and another man watched a porn movie with Davis .
8 Bailiffs moved in and boarded up the house in Ely , Cardiff , as Pat and her children , Maria , 16 , and three-year-old Matthew watched .
9 In the field above a peasant dressed in high boots and baggy pantaloons watched a troop of grazing goats from the shade of an ancient olive tree .
10 Three years ago this month , five armed men in civilian clothes forced Gómez , a schoolteacher , into a car while her students and other witnesses watched helplessly .
11 His colleagues and aspiring rivals watched him closely , measuring themselves by him and running breathlessly after in the directions he took .
12 His fortune changed suddenly and dramatically when all America watched his acceptance speech on TV .
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