Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] effect [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He observes that , ‘ if Parliament be in the eye of the law a supreme legislature , the essence of representative government is , that the legislature should represent or give effect to the will of the political sovereign , i.e. of the electoral body , or of the nation . ’
2 If all the requirements are fulfilled , civil legal aid consists of representation for the purposes of proceedings , and it includes all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in the steps preliminary or incidental to any proceedings and all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in civil proceedings arriving at or giving effect to a compromise to avoid or bring to an end any proceedings .
3 On the face of it they may appear to do little more than give effect to the government 's consistent promise to maximise the opportunities for parental choice in the education system .
4 Thus , any covenant that takes effect at a date calculated by reference to the expiry of the term , will be unenforceable if the power is exercised .
5 About 80 per cent of British sewage sludge is dumped at sea , but this will be banned under a European convention that takes effect in 1998 .
6 789–90 that his oldest son , Charles , should marry one of Offa 's daughters may already have been more an attempt to ‘ patch up bad relations ’ than to give effect to good ones , and , when acceptance of this extremely prestigious offer was made dependent by Offa on one of Charlemagne 's daughters marrying Ecgfrith , so affronted was Charlemagne that he gave orders that no one from Britain and the Anglian race was to land on the sea-coast of Gaul for the sake of commerce .
7 ii New Zealand : Tobacco sales are falling rapidly due to the advertising ban on tobacco products that took effect on 17 December 1990 , according to Health Department officials .
8 The reorganisation that took effect from the beginning of 1991 brought together all the Land Survey groups , Regional Geophysics , and a new group , Tectonics and Databases , formed by merging Land Survey database staff in Keyworth and Edinburgh and the old Deep Geology Unit .
9 Erm but erm sitting in a traffic jam this morning I was very concerned to learn that taking effect from tomorrow the government is changing the grant for adaptation for severely handicapped people .
10 Where two rules are inconsistent , a court will lean towards resolving the conflict in a way that gives effect to the commercial intention of the rules .
11 You see the first of these statutes as a solution that gives effect to two recognizable principles of justice , ordered in a certain way , even though you reject one of the principles .
12 A strict regimen of wheat free diet in the hospital had a favourable and normalising effect on his clinical symptoms , weight , and growth .
13 This appointment is to be interpreted and receive effect in accordance with the law of Scotland .
14 The need to act consistently and give effect to legitimate expectations , means that far-reaching and abrupt rule changes should generally be avoided , in favour of proper consideration and consultation .
15 He can also make policy decisions and give effect to them , as , for instance , was often done when prosecutions were not brought for attempted suicide .
16 He can also make policy decisions and give effect to them … "
17 For the reasons I have given , as a matter of pure law this House should look at Hansard and give effect to the Parliamentary intention it discloses in deciding the appeal .
18 Alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream via the stomach and takes effect within 5-10 minutes .
19 ‘ 2(1) The powers of the Director under this section shall be exercisable , but only for the purposes of an investigation under section 1 above , or , on a request made by the Attorney-General of the Isle of Man , Jersey or Guernsey , under legislation corresponding to that section and having effect in the Island whose Attorney-General makes the request , in any case in which it appears to him that there is good reason to do so for the purpose of investigating the affairs , or any aspect of the affairs , of any person .
20 The general principle is that net gains can be made by identifying and giving effect to decomposability amongst the organization 's activities .
21 In choosing between the original owner and the innocent purchaser , the law is having to choose between upholding the sanctity of property and giving effect to a commercial transaction .
22 ‘ That the Dawson International Executive Share Option Scheme 1993 , the provisions of which are summarised in the Appendix to the letter to members of the Company dated 16th June 1993 , to be constituted by the Rules produced in draft to this meeting and for the purposes of identification initialled by the Chairman hereof , be and is hereby approved and the Directors be and are hereby authorised to do all acts and things which they may consider necessary or expedient for implementing and giving effect to the same including making such amendments to the Rules as may be necessary to gain the approval of the Inland Revenue . ’
23 The causal inference adopted by Greeley and Rossi was that Roman catholic schools only had a clearly identifiable and reinforcing effect on the belief and practice of this group .
24 Instead , there was a clear socio-spatial differentiation which reflected distinctions within the working class and took effect through differences in housing forms and standards and consequent rent levels .
25 The realignment , the 12th since the establishment of the EMS in March 1979 [ see pp. 30010-11 ] , was decided on Jan. 5 and took effect on Jan. 8 .
26 In this way the chambers of commerce , co-operatives , trade unions and other structures felt the corrosive , divisive and corrupting effect of money which , far from strengthening resolve to resist the occupation , was used to advance one political viewpoint over another .
27 His reasoning recognises the over-riding principle of the mandate , and gives effect to the principle of self-determination rather than adhering strictly to treaty rules .
28 An EC-EFTA meeting on Dec. 19 made progress in discussions on the European Economic Area or EEA ( the term now adopted in preference to " European Economic Space " or EES — see pp. 37134 ; 37535 ) , and it was anticipated that these EC-EFTA talks would now reach a conclusion by mid-1992 such that an EEA agreement could go through the various ratification processes and take effect on Jan. 1 , 1993 .
29 Finally , the Adoption Act 1968 extends the powers of courts in the United Kingdom over adoption , and enables effect to be given in the United Kingdom to adoptions made in other countries ; and the Adoption Act 1976 consolidates all the earlier enactments relating to adoption .
30 They doubted whether valid measures of all of the areas of development could be devised ; they maintained that the tests used would have a distorting and trivializing effect on pupils ' learning ( 'this year 's test becomes next year 's curriculum' ) : they pointed to the possibility , notwithstanding the assurances that light sampling techniques would be deployed , that superficial comparisons would be made on the basis of inadequate evidence between areas and between schools ; and they detected in the paraphernalia of mass testing associated with the APU the most sinister intrusion of central government into the work of the schools and the spectre of state-controlled curricula .
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