Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] been around " in BNC.

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1 Electronics is a universal tool that has been around for a while and which can be used to control electrical circuits — not a common art form .
2 Er it 's partly using some questions that 've been around for a very long time but there 're some subtle variations and some new ones added in , okay ?
3 If you 're going to use this by by rewarding specific desired behaviour you need to have a look at a reward list and there 's a whole range of potential rewards that 've been around .
4 He was like an old car that had been around in the neighbourhood for a long time , loaned out among your friends , used and passed on , so that when it got to you in your time , you knew what you were getting .
5 Few ‘ moderate missions ’ are definite either , despite proposals that have been around for many years .
6 Computer Users of Europe ( CUE ) , a user group that 's been around for some time on an informal basis , has gone official : it has drafted a constitution and has a steering committee working on making it formal .
7 I mean surely that is a subject that 's been around for a hundred years ?
8 As veteran commentator George Melly remarked : ‘ The trad boom was both unexpected and untypical ; its heroes were far older than the norm and had been around for much longer ; the emphasis was instrumental rather than vocal ; the sexual aspect was almost non-existent . ’
9 Armies are the main conventional weapon and have been around for over five millennia in various forms .
10 Even if the assumptions are unwitting or unconscious and have been around as long as the scenery , they are still potent .
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