Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] form a " in BNC.

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1 Where pipes form a T-junction , cut the insulation using a mitre box and serrated knife to form a V mitre
2 This occurs for non-woody monocotyledons of low biomass , where leaves form a constant high proportion of the total biomass .
3 The TPS has worked with the School Management Task Force to ensure that placements form an integral element in the career profile of teachers .
4 Covenants and bequests form an essential part of the hospice 's income and staff are gratified that can care for more patients and support bereaved families through this sort of help .
5 Part of VEV , one of France 's most powerful textile conglomerates , Rodier , first with womenswear and then with Rodier Hommes , has been a pioneer of the franchise shop system , through which manufacturer and retailer form a mutually supportive — and mutually lucrative — partnership .
6 But the sense of shock affected everyone ; village and base form a close community .
7 Weekend expeditions and excursions form an integral part of many of these activities .
8 Lorenz and Ardrey suggest , respectively , that aggression and territoriality form a deep-lying part of people 's biological and psychic constitution .
9 On both sides are high mountains , but the gem of the view is across the water to the south-west where the wild heights of Knoydart and Morar form an arresting skyline , the shapely pyramid of Sgurr na Ciche being most prominent .
10 Benzene and methylbenzene form a zeotropic mixture .
11 Smyth and Kilgore form a formidable half-back partnership in the City of Derry rugby team but both will be absent when the club plays its first game at its new Judges Road ground tomorrow .
12 The central tundra belts are steppe-like plains where low shrubs , sedges and grasses form a semi-continuous cover of vegetation up to 1 m high .
13 Indeed the conclusion that such diverse aspects of society as religion , kinship , politics , and economics form a linked whole has been one of the touchstones of modern anthropology .
14 In certain combinations , concrete , cold and water form a fatal triangle rendering thousands of dwellings unfit for human habitation according to postwar regulations .
15 Common salt and water form a cryohydrate which freezes at -21.2°C .
16 Together , books and television form a useful alliance which has another set of special characteristics .
17 Dazzling tuberous begonias and pelargoniums form an exhilarating patio display
18 Morton , in collaboration with others , has argued , from 1966 to the present time , that in the Pauline corpus only Romans , 1 and 2 Corinthians , and Galatians form a homogeneous group which can be attributed to a single hand .
19 The houses in the Eastern St George 's are almost all small , and the streets and alleys form a sort of labyrinth — a tangled web of dingy structures — in , s and outs , and twisted meshes of lane and alley , having only one feature in common , that feature telling of poverty … not always squalid … but ever displaying the presence of a population of the humblest means — one in fourteen of the whole population of the parish are paupers .
20 Yet notions of country and city form a regular part of people 's experience and understandings .
21 Wherever the parental duties are too much for one parent , the male and female form a strong attachment for one another and live together as a bonded pair .
22 It is not known for certain if the male and female form a pair bond .
23 Such a problem is less serious when 5-year age groups are considered ( since entries and exits form a smaller proportion of the denominator population ) and even less serious for the whole-life CDR ; but it is at its worst for children in their first year of life .
24 An ornamental wall topped with trellis was designed to screen the shed and coal-bunkers and to add colour to a previously stark corner , here , Japanese acers , impatiens and clematis form an interesting mix .
25 The rugged mountains and hills form an impressive backdrop , and inland peaceful villages look out across orange and lemon groves .
26 Farmers and farm-workers form a community within a community .
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