Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] have found " in BNC.

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1 The two women were in Kevin 's room , where Nellie had found her mother when she and Liam arrived in the cart after last Mass in Rosstrevor .
2 But Ferranti said yesterday : ‘ The report confirms that Coopers & Lybrand have found no information which would lead them to suspect that the Ferranti International balance sheet exposure to fraud was any different from that referred to in the letter to shareholders dated 29 September .
3 Even such mundane tasks as eating or drinking have found a place in some ballets .
4 Where Maggie had found him she did n't know , but once she had dragged the equipment inside the shelter she was very glad that he had .
5 Well Spear & Jackson has found a way to solve that problem — by colour coding its range of screwdrivers .
6 The Black Arks made landfall in the bleak north of the New World , near where Malekith had found the Circlet of Iron .
7 There was a young boy there with his cows at the time , and he told Kalchu that he had watched the bull and it had walked slowly right round the circumference of the Kālādika , before lying down where Kalchu had found it .
8 Or Sam had found Zeno by the noise : he was captured .
9 So , lesson one is that where people have found gold in the past , that is where you will find gold in the future !
10 Our mortgage advisors will explain the details of how this mortgage works , but it is just one more way that the Bristol & West have found to help you out of the jungle .
11 He picked up a gin and tonic from the same tray where Belinda had found hers , sipped it and made a face .
12 Melodrama , perched on the uneasy edge between tragedy and the horribly grotesque , points also to the music hall , where Eliot had found those last vestiges of English myth .
13 Paragraph ( c ) would appear not to affect decisions in cases such as Kendall v. Lillico ( see paragraph 10–07 ) and Cointat v. Myham ( see paragraph 10–08 ) cases where the purchaser chooses to buy goods for his business from a seller whose terms he has in a consistent course of dealing been apparently quite happy to accept or where the purchaser buys goods in a market in which a trade custom shows that merchants have found exclusion terms to be acceptable .
14 I hope that institutions have found the guidance useful this year .
15 The house that William had found was down one of the side streets and not so majestic , but it still had a fair bit of the Gothic about it , and the brass knocker on the front door had the face of an ogre .
16 Reports suggested that Rathore had found it increasingly difficult to co-operate with the AJK President , Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan of the Moslem Conference , a party closely allied to the Islamic Democratic Alliance ( IDA ) -dominated government of Pakistan [ see p. 37653 ] .
17 Erm , as we know , Bullitt was a member of the delegation and an intimate of , of Wilson , so the book is er co- authored , so in a sense we should know as we 're paying for , for all of it , because er , obviously , he relied on Bullitt to give him all this biographical information , and er , consequently what you see Freud doing in this in this book is , is er trawling through , as it were , the things that Bullitt told him , that , that Bullitt had found out , to erm , draw a kind of psy psychoanalytic portrait of Woodrow Wilson , that erm , tried to explain his problem , why did he not deliver the goods as it were .
18 The court heard that Lawrie had found another job with a bus company , but had lost it when police told her employer about the pending court case .
19 I was glad to hear from Richard , with whom we spent a very satisfying week in August , that David has found a new girl-friend — Sally too , I believe — and that they both seem to have survived the breakup .
20 At first sight there is little to suggest that Michell has found anything other than chance connections .
21 Once Eva had found her calling there was no holding her .
22 ‘ He fled in that terror , ’ said Cadfael , ‘ and the next he heard was that Tutilo had found the man dead , and so reported him .
23 The letters of the machine used for it had been brushed clean and the worn ribbon replaced at some time after the letter was typed , but all the other characteristics including misalignment of the ‘ d ’ and the unreliable shift control — had shown up in the enlargement and eventually confirmed that Wickham had found the machine he was seeking .
24 Shaun 's last years at school had been difficult he 'd even taken a swing at a teacher at one point — and he 'd earned a reputation for the motherless Hammond boys that Wayne had found himself sharing even though he 'd done nothing to earn it .
25 It is not that Egyptians have found a sudden enthusiasm for Islamic fundamentalism ; a majority probably resents the terrorism that has chopped tourism in half .
26 It was a place that Jed had found by chance during his first few weeks in Adam 's Creek .
27 The altar was built of orange boxes , covered with a white silk cloth that Meg had found in the ragstore .
28 It 's the second time in less than two weeks that officers have found the weapons in the hands of foreign tourists .
29 In the version with dependent parameters , once Bacon has found a form of law relating two inputs while others have particular settings , it will expect that these two are always related by a law of the same form in which only the values of c and k vary .
30 Other work in progress has examined this issue in one district where it seems that the other community services are so much less well organized than the special service that managers have found it impossible to prevent that service being undermined by lack of staff , continuity , training , and good practice leadership .
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