Example sentences of "[adv] dressed in a " in BNC.

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1 I 'm waiting at Charing Cross station and I 'm wrongly dressed in a black hat and coat , whereas I should have come in jeans and a heavy Shetland jumper .
2 She was housekeeper to a nano , a dwarf , called Appio who was always dressed in a suit with baggy trousers which made his rather stout figure look even broader .
3 He was flurried , middle-aged , but smartly dressed in a blue suit .
4 In spite of the heat he was very smartly dressed in a dark three-piece suit .
5 A month later Paula , smartly dressed in a new tweed suit with the obligatory matching bag and shoes , and lugging both her modelling case and a brand new cream leather suitcase , took the train to London to begin her new career .
6 He noticed that the ghost was smartly dressed in a cut-away coat with gilt buttons , a stand-up collar and Scotch cap .
7 She was smartly dressed in a grey two-piece suit and posed elegantly on a pair of high heels .
8 Golding was a lean and outwardly languid man of about Derek 's own age , smartly dressed in a dark suit , striped shirt and monogrammed tie .
9 She was smartly dressed in a fawn trouser suit and seemed in high spirits .
10 Anderson , whose address was given as c/o Magherafelt RUC Station , was smartly dressed in a dark suit , white shirt and striped tie .
11 He was smartly dressed in a white shirt and dark trousers .
12 He was smartly dressed in a two piece suit .
13 Young Area Sneaker was the faithful companion of ‘ Chokee Bill ’ , himself a prototypical comic-strip crook with swag-bag and cosh , and in their weekly scrapes with the law — personified for Comic Cuts readers in the ineffectual shape of ‘ Fairyfoot the Fat Cop ’ — he was quite recognisably dressed in a budding Hooligan 's attire : bell-bottoms , flowing neck-scarf , cap set at a jaunty angle , and boots two sizes too big .
14 Girls are distinctively dressed in a starched uniform of fawn dresses , brown coats and bowler-style hats .
15 He had a distinguished air , was formally dressed in a tailcoat , and was precisely my idea of an ambassador .
16 We were able to see , however , that he was formally dressed in a three-piece dark suit .
17 He was carefully dressed in a dandified fashion in white flannels and a large panama hat protected his head .
18 On the 31st May this year Hilda Hyam , correctly dressed in a blue leotard and a pink rose , celebrated her ninetieth birthday in style , for her fellow teachers in Avon had organised the perfect day just for her : — classes morning and afternoon interspersed with coffee — a tasty lunch — and a delicious tea complete with a birthday cake .
19 On the 31st May this year Hilda Hyam , correctly dressed in a blue leotard and a pink rose , celebrated her ninetieth birthday in style , for her fellow teachers in Avon had organised the perfect day just for her : — classes morning and afternoon interspersed with coffee — a tasty lunch — and a delicious tea complete with a birthday cake .
20 As the Indian saying goes , ‘ If a dog walks through a cotton field , he does not come out dressed in a suit . ’
21 At the RSPCA 's Centenary Conference in Oxford , a tall slim woman with greying hair drawn back in a pony tail , unobtrusively dressed in a shirt and slacks , came to the podium .
22 In case their faith was wavering , Mr Li , misleadingly dressed in a western business suit instead of the again-fashionable Mao garb , added a reminder of the inevitability of class struggle : ‘ While fostering socialist democracy and the socialist legal system , we must intensify dictatorship by the socialist state apparatus . ’
23 When we arrived there were only about 20 people in the audience and he was n't dressed in a dress .
24 He was slight of build , very dark , with a sallow complexion , and meticulously dressed in a dark grey suit with a silk tie .
25 The tall boy washed , cleaned his teeth , fought bravely with his comb and then dressed in a faded Hawaiian shirt and his summer suit .
26 And others she did n't recognize : a young woman from over the sea , sometimes dressed in a nun 's habit , sometimes holding a clear-handled gun ; a foreign man , dark-complexioned and dangerous , his hands red with blood ; a beautiful young-old man with generous lips , picking up a guitar and smiling ; and a man in a tropical suit , with a deathshead skull behind his smile .
27 By the time he finished in the bathroom she was fully dressed in a bright yellow suit with padded shoulders .
28 He was lying face downwards in the shadow of the short diving-board , fully dressed in a blazer and white linen trousers .
29 The pink chintz curtains matched the pink chintz bedspread ; underneath it , prostrate yet fully dressed in a woman 's blouse and man 's dhoti , sprawled the figure of Chaman , the guru of the household .
30 ( left ) On a coin with wide circulation , Augustus is modestly dressed in a toga and receives symbols of victory from Tiberius and his colleague Drusus .
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