Example sentences of "[adv] knowing [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was painful enough knowing they had both let their love for each other slip so easily away , but the speed with which he 'd filled the void she 'd left really cut into her .
2 Floorcoverings withstand a great deal of wear and tear in the average home , and buying the wrong type can be a hideously expensive mistake , so knowing what to put where is very important .
3 It would be less embarrassing if , without apparently knowing what had been said , she made it abundantly clear that Didi Lombard had been totally wrong , she was n't smitten , and as for eating out of his hand … !
4 My grief was exacerbated because I was now hopelessly confused , not knowing whom to believe , and needing to believe in someone or something .
5 The subjective experiences of these mothers became the maintheme ; for example , how rejected they felt by friends or neighbours who crossed the street , not knowing what to say .
6 He hesitated , simply not knowing what to say to the elegant figure opposite him who was so evidently determined , and to whom fantasy seemed to be very close to ordinary life .
7 He stood there blankly , not knowing what to say or do , remembering only the sound of her crying out in the darkness and how awful he had felt , alone , kneeling there on the dyke , impotent to act .
8 He sat and looked at her , not knowing what to say next .
9 She smiled at him a little wildly , not knowing what to say except that it seemed best to keep on talking .
10 She looked at him , not knowing what to say .
11 And if , because of that , you never want to see me again — because , after all , I am no better than Havvie ; I simply raped you in a different way — ’ And , having lapsed into complete incoherence , he fell silent , not knowing what to say , except to add humbly , ‘ I think that your father approves of my suit , but that is no matter .
12 Slowly she picked up the flowers , not knowing what to say .
13 Ruth bit her lip and stared at him , not knowing what to say or do .
14 He would remember this later , this not knowing what to call him , Boy or Darling or whatever .
15 Not knowing what lay ahead made him excited and nervous but he could n't help wanting to discover what was behind a door or round the next corner .
16 Then he stood awkwardly beside the box , feeling utterly miserable , not knowing what to do next and so deeply humiliated that his face began to twitch .
17 Chopping onion for a casserole , mopping the kitchen floor , her hands would pause and she would be overwhelmed with fear and confusion , not knowing what to do .
18 What we mean by this , is that at times of great stress we can all be overwhelmed by the experience and find ourselves ‘ at sea ’ , not knowing what to do .
19 We sat not knowing what to do , all fishing had been forbidden .
20 He nearly gave up , not knowing what to do next .
21 She stood quite still not knowing what to do and after a moment he pulled away , reached into his pocket for a handkerchief and wiped himself , his hand and hers .
22 Feeling small and lousy , not knowing what to do ; fit for nothing , not even to stick out your hand .
23 I could n't face going back to that flat in West Kensington not knowing what to do with my life and having to be pleasant , and not being respected by anyone .
24 Doyle had his cap off and noticed that the new missus half put out her hand to shake his , not knowing what to do .
25 She was smiling , pouting , pulling faces , striking poses like someone not knowing what to do in front of a family cine camera …
26 She laid her coat across a table then stood , not knowing what to do , wondering irritably why she had made such a fuss about coming …
27 The horse was totally confused by now and it eased forward in the shafts not knowing what to do next , until Broomhead reminded it with a few well-chosen obscenities .
28 Caught by the outbreak of war he and Robin Adair lingered , not knowing what to do .
29 3 not knowing what to do when patients have severe pain .
30 She became depressed at not knowing what to do for the best , and at leading the life of a whore .
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