Example sentences of "[adv] concerned about [det] " in BNC.

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1 However , much of the island remained loyal to the monarchy : the Republic was determined to subdue the Catholic Irish and the Royalist Irish , and it was not much concerned about any differences between the two .
2 ‘ The residents were taken to hospital as a precaution , but the member of staff appears to have been badly affected and we are obviously concerned about that . ’
3 The Cadbury 's spokeswoman said : ‘ We are obviously concerned about any incident where our products are removed because they are unfit . ’
4 If the security services were so concerned about this then it clearly suggests that they had good reason to believe that Blake had not been forgotten by the Russians .
5 The US giant , Dun & Bradstreet , is so concerned about this sort of thing that it has banned unions from access to its databases .
6 I hope that this excellent measure will receive not only the assent of the House but the strong support of everyone who has been so concerned about this issue during 1991 .
7 Yeah actually , I 'd be interested if someone sitting on the planning committee , or perhaps a director erm , yeah or perhaps you could tell me , er , why why if the planning committee members are so concerned about this , did they grant the planning permission ?
8 We are naturally concerned about this , and would welcome some information , which , indeed , I have already requested ( in vain ) .
9 The British Medical Association was sufficiently concerned about that evidence , and other evidence from the United States which showed that PCBs and other toxic and hazardous waste should be treated very seriously , to propose a national waste agency , because it claims that , at present , there is no central guidance and little consensus on the best form of industrial waste disposal , 90 per cent .
10 I 'm not concerned about that , in all honesty . ’
11 ‘ Surely you are not concerned about these things ? ’
12 The Spastics Society , for example , has said of this proposal : ‘ We are deeply concerned about any assumptions that the public provision of care for disabled people can be in the main shifted to the private and not-for-profit sector without serious consequences for disabled people . ’
13 Er , lighting , again , you get much more concerned , as you go on , we get much more concerned about these things do n't we ?
14 I 'm slightly concerned about this because it said that other matters erm we do n't know what other matters until the inspector has been in , in June and has identified those other matters , presumably when we get the further inspector 's report next Autumn or after June , it will address issues which may have been ones he has addressed this year and maybe not , er and we will have to look at that inspector 's report when we receive it .
15 Can we keep nibbling at this Chairman , can a letter be written to say that we 're , we 're rather concerned about this methodology , and psychology of this ?
16 But a woman , who , when her own needs are n't met , and when she 's slowly disintegrating , is not going to be able to give very much to the children , or give as much as she could , so it makes sense , if she 's really concerned about those children , that she will put , quite often , her own needs above them in order to get her act together , so that she 's in control and feels good about what she 's doing so she 'll be able to give more .
17 Many Jews , Muslims and members of other world religions are just as concerned about this as many Christians .
18 I 've been on it for over three years and I 'm quite concerned about some of the things I 've heard tonight and I 'm going to make an appointment
19 Consequently , I am quite concerned about this Commission . ’
20 The member of staff when I spoke to him about it afterwards — I did not call him in to speak to him about it immediately because I did not think it was either my place or my duty — I told him that she was very concerned about that being said to her son and quite frankly so was I , and really was that the sort of thing to say and he agreed it was n't the thing to say but he said ‘ I was so angry at the time .
21 Oh yes , I can report , I phone erm erm my work today , about the place save , because I 'm obviously very concerned about that .
22 Well I do want to come back in fact an and reassure er you that er in fact er we are very concerned about that and we spend a great deal of time talking about the A P C's erm statement policy of intent because it was intended to be modified in the way which we thought would and we spent quite a lot of time erm discussing and am re-amending the importance .
23 So I am very concerned about this erm latest piece of legislation .
24 getting increasingly frustrated on the subject of other things , pelican crossings and that I 've been concerned to hear since I 've I 've been requested this question and er it was briefly reported in the Cambridge evening news last night that they they 've had almost continuous telephone calls today complaining erm which shows the public as I thought of my own experience er are very concerned about this and would like to erm first of all bring it to the council 's attention and do regard as serious and ask the chair if there is a proper investigation will be made into the way the council handles this subject .
25 There 's a lot of people who are very concerned about this .
26 Ninety to a hundred decibels gets pretty uncomfortable , and a noisy factory can go up to about a hundred and twenty decibels and Environmental Health Officers for example are very concerned about this because it causes long-term problems in people 's ears .
27 Younger neighbours are often very concerned about these old neighbours .
28 John Evans says : ‘ We 're very concerned about these abuses and we want to see the 1987 Consumer Protection Act stiffened .
29 Today , we must again set up new industries but we are very concerned about those ‘ green fields ’ .
30 Tenants in sheltered housing schemes are very concerned about any increase in services and therefore costs .
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