Example sentences of "[adv] held [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Was the promise in Atlas Express Ltd. v. Kafko Ltd. , below , p. 651 , rightly held to be gratuitous ?
2 The vital date was long held to be 1825 , on a work published by Pickering ; but other claims are being advanced , and some inexpensive fun may be had by searching booksellers ' shelves in the endeavour to push the date back a little .
3 Long held to be the leading contemporary poet of Wales , the ideas that have occupied Thomas 's attention throughout his writing career of some forty-six years are represented by fourteen essays chosen by Sandra Anstey .
4 To apply these characteristics as the criterion for dismissal or refusal to employ is to apply a gender-based criterion , which the majority of the House of Lords has already held to be unlawful direct discrimination in James v Eastleigh Borough Council [ 1990 ] 2 AC 751 .
5 The form of privatisation , normally held to be conversion into a limited company with sale of shares and promise of profits generated from the company 's activities was unclear , but most took it to mean sale at auction .
6 CD4+ T cells are normally held to be the principal source of this mediator and the higher proportion of γ-interferon producing cells we found among lamina propria lymphocytes compared with intra epithelial lymphocytes is consistent with the relative numbers of CD4+ T cells in these sites .
7 There is not held to be any appreciable time-lapse -between the experience of the touch and the arising in one 's mind of the visual image .
8 Some properties of individuals are nevertheless held to be more significant than others .
9 It was thus held to be as authentic an image of the society within which it was produced as the gift , whose authenticity was premised upon its own totalizing ability .
10 The Loch Muick approach to Lochnagar , generally held to be both the easiest and prettiest , was the one favoured by most climbers .
11 Curriculum reform , whether it is centrally determined or based on local or in-school planning , is generally held to be impossible unless it is firmly based on a plan for public examinations .
12 This exclusion is generally held to be applicable when a criminal prosecution is in prospect .
13 Bibury , 8 miles north-east of Cirencester , is generally held to be the most attractive of all the Cotswold towns and has a trout farm you can visit .
14 It is enough to recall that Ricardo 's labour theory of value , on which it depends , is generally held to be fallacious in its assertion that the price of goods or services is solely determined by the amount of socially necessary labour required to produce or provide them , and so ignores the cost of other inputs and the effect of demand .
15 We should not underestimate the power of official systems of classification of children , even when they are generally held to be inadequate by those that work with them .
16 The initial costs of the latter are generally held to be underwritten by the large surplus generated by any big hit record .
17 Many of these straits are noted for strong tidal currents , but although such currents may assist in moving away the debris of erosion , they are generally held to be impotent as a cause of marked marine erosion , at least of those which outcrop in this locality .
18 Another figure of the Duvalier regime , Claude Raymond , a former general , generally held to be behind the disruption of the November 1987 elections [ see pp. 35697-98 ] , was also reported to be campaigning for the presidency , despite a constitutional ban on " notorious Duvalierists " .
19 This is generally held to be wildly optimistic , and in some quarters , an impossible timescale .
20 It is successful where temperate zone type methods are not , and is generally held to be the most efficient in terms of soil recovery .
21 Both are multisystem granulomatous disorders , and patients commonly present with such similar symptoms that sarcoidosis was once held to be a variant form of tuberculosis .
22 Sadism and masochism are usually held to be the opposite sides to the same coin , the one being merely an inversion of the state of mind which produces the other .
23 Through our misjudgement of their knowledge , metaphor becomes a lie , and we are left with the disturbing conclusion that the truth of a message is something constructed by sender and receiver , and not only as is usually held to be the casea quality of the sender 's intention or the message itself .
24 The waterfall is usually held to be slowly flattened out by the erosion of the river so that the new section of the profile occupies successively the positions 1 to 6 ( Fig. 9.10A ) .
25 The development of normal reading and writing is usually held to be multiply determined and to arise from the mastery of a number of subcomponent skills , such as detailed visual analysis , effective motor control , linguistic skills--ranging form sentence comprehension to phoneme discrimination .
26 The proper modernist artefact is always held to be aesthetically pleasing precisely to the degree to which it exemplifies the adage that form follows function ( Benton and Benton 1975 ) .
27 The enabling statute always , explicitly or implicitly , states , if X 1 , X 2 , X 3 exist you may or shall do Y. Yet , if X 1 , X 2 , and X 3 , and all the elements constituting them , were always held to be jurisdictional in a legal sense , the dividing line between review and appeal would be emasculated : the tribunal would have power to give only the right answer , this meaning the answer which accords with the view of the reviewing court .
28 The rainforest is also held to be useful to us because it will help to mitigate the worst impacts of global warming .
29 In Attorney General v Squire , it was held that obnoxious odours from pigs kept by the defendants , and arising from the number of animals , the place in which they were kept , and the food with which they were fed , were such as to create a public nuisance , and in Attorney General v Cole and Son noxious gases created by the defendant carrying on the trade of fat-melter were also held to be a public nuisance despite the fact that the defendant had carried on his trade , in a proper manner and in the same way for 30 years .
30 Her companion in the driver 's seat who controlled the gears and the foot controls was also held to be driving .
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