Example sentences of "[adv] to say that all " in BNC.

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1 That 's not to say that all the tracks will be jazz-heavy .
2 This is not to say that all the stages are equally well-represented and well-understood .
3 This is not to say that all care orders were welcomed by the families ; and there is clearly the possibility that , while this intervention was favoured by the parents , it was resented by the children .
4 This is not to say that all conflict is constructive .
5 This is not to say that all criticism is unjustified .
6 This is not to say that all theories of legitimacy are only or merely ‘ rationalizations ’ ; rather , it is to say that they have an element of rationalization in them .
7 This is not to say that all members of an epistemic sub-culture — say economics or anthropology or even nebulous professionally oriented clusterings of knowledge such as pharmacy or business studies subscribe to the dominant concepts , theories and approaches of the corpus .
8 This is not to say that all investors or brokers are compulsive gamblers any more than to say that all drinkers are alcoholic .
9 That is not to say that all linguists , or even the majority of them , have accepted the theory of transformational grammar that Chomsky put forward .
10 Finally , it must be stressed that while many of the entries are arguably early , this is not to say that all have been correctly dated .
11 After the baptism of Clovis the kingdom of the Franks was theoretically a Christian state ; that is not to say that all its members were Christian — indeed it would be a long time before the Christianization of the Merovingian kingdom was complete .
12 In the beginnings of this second stanza , the poet is describing all the wonderful things the sun can do but then goes on to say that all these great wonders are completely forgotten when the sun can not even rejuvenate a man whose body is still warm and almost living .
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