Example sentences of "[adv] gone back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thomson 's free kick Pearce gets it clear and then won back by Hill but has only gone back to the Forest skipper .
2 He 's only gone back for
3 But I think they 'd just gone back for the money creed and once you get that well erm they do n't realize that they could be falling into the trap unless we blokes stand firm now to maintain this standard of living .
4 Using the hypothetical examples above , for instance , this is how it might work out : skilled employment ( 4 ) the top possible score : employment duration — she has just gone back to work ( 1 ) ; housing — she has had to move to a smaller flat(l) so has n't been there long ( 0 ) ; she does have a bank account ( 4 ) ; but is separated ( 0 ) ; and quite young ( 2 ) .
5 By Paul Byrne chief reporter A GROUP of British Rail workers who were being paid thousands of pounds to do nothing have finally gone back to work .
6 She had not gone back to whoring , but eked out a miserable living as a washerwoman , for which she lacked the stamina .
7 Why had Parr not gone back to England ?
8 While capitalist states elsewhere have had to deal with high levels of inflation , balance of payment crises , low productivity and increasing demands put on State expenditure , Britain has had to respond not only to these problems but also to a decline in its manufacturing base : profits from industry have not gone back in sufficient volume to sustain the long-term investment in new technology that Britain has needed .
9 ‘ I did n't know , ’ he went on , ‘ that you 'd already gone back to England .
10 ‘ As I heard it , my lord , he 's already gone back to Hereford . ’
11 ‘ The notebook had already gone back with another Kazakh climber who had returned early , but I gather that it was written in English .
12 I suppose , by saying this I 've already gone back on my word .
13 He never let Liverpool down , but the management have always gone back to Bruce Grobbelaar .
14 Consequently , when he had found suitable accommodation , his wife and children had also gone back to England .
15 ‘ When I realised the ring had probably gone back to England that was one of the first things I checked . ’
16 That machine has now gone back to being called the Model 54 and will appear as a 45MHz TAB-packaged four-way , as it was meant to at one time .
17 That machine has now gone back to being called the Model 54 and will appear as a 45MHz TAB-packaged four-way , as had already been intended at one time .
18 he has now gone back to Little , Brown lock , stock and backlist , and LB is mighty pleased .
19 ‘ Major has now gone back to the animal refuge .
20 One archer had really gone back to basics ; he had started making his own bows by means of trial and error and a book from the library .
21 who were the religious police who were actually watching , so we have n't gone back for a while
22 You have n't gone back on your promise , have you ?
23 I suppose if I had n't gone back into that room they 'd have found some other way of leaving the message . ’
24 He has even gone back to old techniques .
25 And then gone back to work next morning .
26 There had been a light snowfall the previous night but it looked as if someone else had been here , visited the witch then gone back to the line of trees , covering their tracks by using a switch of old branches so no imprint could be seen .
27 The dogs have been kennelled , and the bodyguards have either gone back to bed or have fallen asleep in the hall .
28 I was quite sure of that for my father had again gone back to Rye marshes to reinforce the defences .
29 She had never gone back to the beach .
30 And he 's only relatively recently gone back to work .
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