Example sentences of "[adv] go through the " in BNC.

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1 Revenues generated by this channel did not go through the joint venture , rather through Kam Circuits , which contributed to its good performance .
2 The black-market dollar , Brazil 's most nervous index , did not go through the roof .
3 Taking out the old cistern itself can be even more difficult since they were usually put in place as the house was built , so will not go through the loft hatch .
4 How would the Minister advise Hull city council to go about enforcing the law , bearing in mind that it can not go through the magistrates courts because of the cross-undertakings required ?
5 Mr Burtt has asked my advice on payment of the enclosed invoice for £690 for an order raised by Mrs Gregory which did not go through the agreed procedures , and which exceeds the total amount available for all staff .
6 Even if he 's your husband he can not go through the pain you went through and so can not know what it is like .
7 Erm , I 'll not go through the whole of this table sir , but I do want you to look at the next column , outstanding planning permissions .
8 Presumably when you do land in a position like that even though as you say you 're getting near the end of the game for the blue ball , you would n't deliberately not go through the hoop , if you 'll put in that , if you put yourself in that position ?
9 More intense review than that provided by a test of arbitrariness will be necessary in order to ensure that the agency does not just go through the motions of listening to people .
10 You 'd just go through the whole disastrous fiasco all over again , because not one thing about you has changed . ’
11 We should not just go through the Lobbies — half the time I do so without knowing for what I am voting .
12 Now I do n't propose to go through erm the proposers and seconders , I shall just go through the nominees er and there was no opposition .
13 We selected a single project to just learn how to do it just go through the process simply .
14 Right let's just go through the rest of this .
15 tell us what some of the ideas of , could you just quickly go through the areas that you identified .
16 Can I quickly , quickly go through the various points .
17 Oh I know what I was gon na quickly go through the , I was going through the training was n't I ?
18 The child should always go through the same basic procedure : seeing the whole word — hearing and pronouncing — writing from memory .
19 First , take the point made by Mr. Holloway from Germany , who says that South Africa ( they should have been granted a dispensation and welcomed to World Cup 1991 ) must surely go through the full qualifying process for 1995 .
20 The person who is justified , the church which believes this , Christians who believe in a God who changes lives , can not just simply go through the motions .
21 While on his own home ground he knows how to do things , or how to get them done , beyond the boundaries of his home ground he knows , at best , only that he should comply with the rules without necessarily understanding why or precisely what all of the relevant rules are : he may simply go through the motions .
22 Myth no. 1 : you have to be an athlete to exercise At school , did you simply go through the motions in your physical-education class ?
23 So We will wait for Andrew to come up with his amendments and therefore we may as well go through the rest of the agenda .
24 Not that there 's a great deal of point , Kathleen thought to herself , but we may as well go through the motions .
25 Whether or not the ultimate diagnosis is correct in every one or not , the answer is I do n't know because many children did n't go through the process that was needed .
26 ‘ I really ca n't go through the day feeling like this . ’
27 Maxine ( 4.10 ) : Wet sand wo n't go through the funnel because it soaks up the water and sticks together .
28 I wanted to put a a morning on when I realised there was problems here just a morning an open morning which would of brought probably nine hundred thousand pounds into this building , in July I came in to try to see the Director of the playhouse I could n't go through the written way because I was waiting for exam date to come through .
29 So I wo n't go through the rest of it , it 's a long and er it 's just brought us on the same sort of thing , but what it proves is that we are getting somewhere and that is what I thought was rather important news , which I want to do .
30 Anyway , you ca n't go through the whole of your life being called Nigel , can you ?
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