Example sentences of "[adv] as easily be " in BNC.

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1 Of course , other studies could just as easily be cited to state the opposite .
2 They could just as easily be train spotters , standing at the end of railway platforms .
3 It is certainly what would be expected if the latent inhibitor functions like a CS- but it could just as easily be a consequence of generalization decrement — adding another stimulus to the excitatory CS might modify the way in which the latter is perceived and thus reduce its ability to evoke the CR .
4 It could just as easily be that proposed by Pearce and Hall ( 1980 ) .
5 It can look but it can not touch , the result being it can just as easily be released again .
6 Large groups of people are unthinkingly accepting what is sometimes harmless nonsense but can just as easily be fraudulent propaganda or dangerous ideological evil .
7 For this reason some scientists argue that changes in the environment are not a satisfactory explanation because they are not sufficiently unique , and whatever phenotypic modifications occurred might just as easily be renewed or reversed .
8 However , looking at the archetype of the Weaving Mother operating in the general human domain , we can see the same principle operating in , for instance , the teaching systems of spiritual and esoteric traditions , where it may just as easily be the man who calls upon the powers of binding .
9 Both are referring specifically to the woman 's role in personal relationships , but it seems to me that their comments could just as easily be applied to the role of children in relation to adults .
10 It is needed when the ordinary ( forwards ) look-up finds a word , but can just as easily be accessed from the new lexicon structure by using a hashing algorithm on the word string .
11 ‘ And it could just as easily be the shepherd lying still with an old sheepskin thrown over him .
12 ‘ as if he only happens to be with us by accident and could just as easily be amusing himself at some other job elsewhere . ’
13 It can just as easily be seen as Britain accepting subservience under the US in preference to engaging in fuller European economic cooperation .
14 With a soft , luxurious feel , they are wonderfully comfortable for wearing around the home , but could just as easily be dressed up for a smarter occasion .
15 He knows that a profitable deal can just as easily be struck over a caesar salad and glass of mineral water as over a T-bone steak and bottle of vintage claret .
16 Though Mel Brooks 's Spaceballs is principally a take-off of Star Wars , its opening march-past shot of an apparently endless spaceship , ever so slowly passing the camera , all lumps , bumps and ‘ functional ’ excrescences , could just as easily be harking back to 2001 .
17 There was no strapping on Nogai 's forearm , but Rostov supposed that on Tarvaras a sprain or a cracked bone could just as easily be referred to as a break , depending upon the state of medical knowledge .
18 ‘ But wait a minute , ’ Ace interrupted , ‘ this could just as easily be the idea of a human as these Old Ones of yours .
19 Page description languages are often though of as being the means of outputting information but they can just as easily be used as a method of receiving it as well .
20 But what can be used by us can just as easily be used by our enemies , and I 'm loath to see this one fall back into their hands .
21 He says that it would be unfortunate if this perspective were used ‘ as a rationale for distributing resources , particularly when a contrary position stressing a preference for community-based professional support could just as easily be advanced ’ .
22 The attitudes ascribed to Soviet women in general could just as easily be observed among Western women .
23 It is very necessary to exercise membership , particularly in , in those areas , change can just as easily be motivated from your members not just special interest groups and it is important to look at it in , in the broader sense .
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