Example sentences of "[adv] she seemed to " in BNC.

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1 I glanced up at Granny 's picture and for once she seemed to be smiling .
2 And now she seemed to be planning a new use for those skills as I watched her gaze , fixed on Boy , or shifting from O to Boy .
3 Whereas before she had been a rough-and-ready Italian peasant , flashing with high spirits , now she thought a little about how she seemed to others and tempered her boisterous good humour .
4 She said that people had commented on how she seemed to be back to her usual self , and that things seemed to be going very well with her brother and sister-in-law .
5 so got er job at er at the library and then she seemed to be very settled
6 She was n't changing her plans and returning , yet she seemed to be angrily tugging at me just as I was turning away .
7 We had met Ms Keir at the offices of MVTR , where she seemed to be having trouble with her tape machines .
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