Example sentences of "[adv] she turned [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly she turned to the inspector , sipping her whisky .
2 She tried the back door and found it open , and going in she turned on some lights and made herself a cup of coffee .
3 But once the Jaguar had moved away she turned to Theresa and said in a voice of surprising gentleness : ‘ Does your father know that you 're out alone ? ’
4 Downstairs she turned to me and said :
5 There was nothing with which she could find fault , and eventually she turned to Mr Miller and said , ‘ You 've got a wonderful collection here and I 'm full of admiration at the way in which you look after them . ’
6 A few minutes later she turned into Varney Street , a cul de sac west of the common , and parked outside a late-Victorian terraced house near the end .
7 Periodically she turned to me and spoke to me like a teacher to a beloved but dull-witted child .
8 Angrily she turned to the door and yanked it open , almost colliding with David Markham who was standing on the threshold .
9 Now she turned on her heel and , careless of the pain , headed blindly for the door .
10 Cautiously she turned from the wall .
11 Presently she turned to the politician 's companion and rounded off the meeting with an entertaining discourse on the curious food they had just eaten .
12 Twice she turned from him , and again turned back to make a double and treble check .
13 Then she turned along the route taken by the boys up to the ridge above the quarry .
14 Then she turned on her heel and we marched back down the hall .
15 Then she turned on the crowd and accused them of being cowards .
16 Then she turned on her heel and strode stiffly from the room .
17 Then she turned to the red bitch and thrashed her for her negligence , calling her lazy , useless , good-for-nothing .
18 And then she turned to him again .
19 Then she turned to helping Mrs Carson .
20 Then she turned to Philip and took his arm .
21 And then she turned to Cary Grant , and said , ‘ You never see any movie stars , do you ? ’
22 Aggie turned her head slightly away , took up the knife that was lying to the side of her plate , cut a piece of meat in two , then picked it up with her fingers and ate it ; then she turned to the child and said , ‘ What 's your second name ? ’
23 Then she turned to the much-travelled carrier bag on the bed beside her .
24 Then she turned to Xanthe whom she could avoid kissing , to keep her unbathed body away from the young girl 's groomed presence as far as she was able without coldness .
25 Then she turned to the Duke and said : ‘ Wallis is so beautiful , uncle .
26 Rose walked on thoughtfully for a bit , then she turned to Hilary and said : ‘ You went to see your mother last week , did n't you ? ’
27 She sighed , wondering why the mere thought of it made her feel depressed , then she turned to Silas and said hastily , ‘ So there 's no need for you to worry about taking me to see a kiwi .
28 Then she turned to me : ‘ Always be faithful and true , Simon .
29 Stunned by what she had seen , Tallis was silent for several minutes ; then she turned to Wynne-Jones .
30 Rachel stood up , brushing twigs and leaves from her clothes , then she turned to David who was still sitting on the bank staring up at her .
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