Example sentences of "[adv] and it 's " in BNC.

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1 And er , we get a panel of young engineers and a panel of school teachers and they actually erm go to a school , they sit down , look at the national curriculum and decide which parts they can actually participate in and it 's been so successful at the moment , realise the trouble is we 're somewhere about five thousand , six hundred secondary schools in the U K you realise it 's a mammoth task !
2 You do n't just put a two page report in and it 's resolved it 's probably a three month project that you need to go continuously once a week to a trial meeting or or three months once a week to a two hour meeting .
3 It 's a throw-in to David of Blackburn , down the right hand side , that one 's headed on by Stewart , the clearance from , is picked up by David who nipped in there ahead of and now here 's once more down the inside left channel , pushing it up towards the edge of the penalty area where holds it up well , they 're working well at the moment down that left hand side as gets it across , a snatched header comes in and it 's pushed behind by Chris for a corner kick , and we 're at the midway point of the second half , with Shrewsbury leading three two , Alan will describe it for you .
4 Float , you pu , you put your plug in and it 's attached to the plug and it floats on the top of your bath when you 're having a bath .
5 Type it in and it 's captured , done , and they use digital photography or remote scanners .
6 Erm providing you get the right products at the right price down and it 's and it 's er it 's been it 's done ethically .
7 Erm and then any domestic policy which affects the outside , so that 's a projection of domestic interests erm into the outside world , so I 'll show you what I 've written down and it 's influenced by what you 've got in that book by Clarke , I 'm afraid it falls off the end a bit , foreign policy is a government activity concerned with relations between the state and other actors in the international arena , that should be .
8 Then after that it 's all sanded down and it 's it 's stained after that , it 's stained .
9 No , cos the water 's not coming up above your face , the water 's filled the whole going down and it 's got gates .
10 You 've been sitting in a side road waiting to come out , and you see a vehicle coming along and it 's got its left-hand indicator on and you think Oh lovely !
11 The water 's been flowing so fast it 's just dug up the tree by its roots and it pulled it along and it 's got wedged in the bridge look .
12 We 've had a couple of bomb threats lately and it 's been installed to warn staff to clear the building .
13 in technology we use a tracking sheet which is an A four sheet doubled over and it 's got a er it the date beginning of the week and then it 's , divide into the the lessons , there 's just three boxes
14 I 've seen I 've seen it been down sub zeros outside and it 's been eighty degrees in our house .
15 ‘ It 's hard to believe the amount of work that 's gone on and it 's all been voluntary . ’
16 I ran into a earlier on and it 's just opened again .
17 But the thing is that your er particular area you know , if you wanted to do one and not save it , you do n't have to save , you know , you know you can print it off and it 's done , but you can send mail to Tracey or headquarters C A , you would n't have to print it out once it 's what you want you just press a button and it goes .
18 And then soon after it went off and it 's never come on since .
19 You know what 'll happen if I come home and it 's not been done !
20 where they will be seen once and it 's dumped .
21 Yes a after Chernobyl there was a certain amount of alarm about erm about hill farms , Cumberland and so forth and it 's all gone quiet now , can you update us on what exactly
22 the train 's gone past and it 's gone off to Clarkeston , which is five minutes up the road and then you 've got to wait until it comes back again .
23 ‘ Listen , I hate to break this up and it 's been wonderful to see you , but I have to get back to the hotel . ’
24 And I 've come back years later and it 's had the same effect on me . ’
25 ‘ I 've been here some time now and it 's never happened before . ’
26 Five , ooh five , and you 've got witnesses now and it 's been recorded .
27 I 've been here three years now and it 's been improving all the time .
28 Since I 've been involved in er , in the partnerships we 've always tried to have a joint number one with Three Hills and Church Langley as I explained before and it 's always been a very difficult balancing act you know , to keep both going along .
29 Afterwards Coun Shore , who still has family in Darlington , said : ‘ I always fancied coming back and it 's been lovely .
30 That 's it , that 's my big speech for today and it 's made me thirsty .
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