Example sentences of "[adv] a matter [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet the consequences of any significant changes are a matter of the utmost concern to planners and to politicians at all levels , the quantification of the costs and benefits of alternative policy strategies is very much a matter for economists , and the adaptation of societies to massive change is a particular interest to sociologists and others .
2 To avoid this second and ultimately much more fundamental tragedy , the relationship between GCSE , records of achievement and other assessment initiatives needs to become as much a matter for urgent discussion and evaluation as the initiatives themselves .
3 But what was put on the plinth was very much a matter for the taste of the occupier of the house for the time being …
4 Until the Bolshevik revolution the question of whether Marxists should be inside or outside the Labour Party was very much a matter for themselves , as for all other radical and socialist groups .
5 Yet one picks it up , in hints and implications , in the not-quite-concealed exasperation of polite administrators , in the raised eyebrows and brief knowing smiles of senior academics on committees ; indeed , it is as much a matter of what is significantly not said , as of what is said ; in poststructuralist terms , of lacunae , vides , silences .
6 It is not as much a matter of generating meanings out of a text as it is a matter of making connections between a particular verbal text and a larger cultural text , which is the matrix or master code that the literary text both depends upon and modifies .
7 This rewriting of history was not so much a matter of starting again , but of making use , for a new purpose , of knowledge which was already available , whether in the work of philosophers like Hegel , economists like Ricardo , biologists like Darwin , or anthropologists .
8 This is not so much a matter of transaction costs as of the unpredictability of offer and counter-offer : it moves economics into the realm of game theory , where efficient outcomes can not be taken for granted ( see box ) .
9 The early use of X-rays and radium for the treatment of cancer was very much a matter of trial and error .
10 I believe that this is as much a matter of teaching style as of a correct single method ( it is also a matter of the ‘ ear ’ and sensitivity to language of individual pupils ) .
11 The way that these arrangements for the responsibility and control of book provision work out are often as much a matter of personalities and university politics as anything else .
12 It is therefore important , when we look at the problem of making the National Curriculum work to the benefit of the children in our schools , to recognise that effective management is as much a matter of attitude as of technique .
13 Coping with minor ills is very much a matter of learning how to live with them , making small but helpful adjustments to our way of life without letting the complaint loom too large or take over our lifestyle .
14 What one understands to be the use of computers in spectroscopy is very much a matter of personal prejudice , and care must be taken to avoid being misled by a general title such as this .
15 It is very much a matter of personal reaction and of personal taste .
16 Adolescence seems to be as much a matter of mental learning and maturation , as of physical growth .
17 The manner in which and the level at which revenue is to be raised is very much a matter of governmental policy as is the regulation of public expenditure generally .
18 The level required is very much a matter of experience .
19 Though , as I say , this is very much a matter of personal taste and is not a ‘ rule ’ and there are some patterns in the electronic packs which may tempt me to change my preferences .
20 How you decide on the assembly order is very much a matter of personal judgement , but the principles of shot to shot continuity , the function of cutaways , and the ordering of your material into a logical progression of images which tell a story , all follow the same rules as for in-camera editing .
21 In reply to Hirsch , Scholes argues that knowledge and information are not the same : ‘ literacy is very much a matter of actual experience in the production and reception of texts . ’
22 It is not so much a matter of deciding in advance which activities and what kinds of adult input match the child 's level of development , either in terms of language or cognitive abilities ; rather , it is a matter of the adult being sensitive to the child 's changing communicative needs and adjusting her speech and actions from one moment to the next .
23 It is not so much a matter of praying together ( good though that is ) , but of being one in purpose and spirit .
24 It became very much a matter of the old touring buddies looking after each other .
25 It was very much a matter of life and death as far as the industry was concerned .
26 It was not merely the major items of patronage , such as appointment to the Court of Session , which occasioned deathwatch reports to politicians from the jobhunters , for the health of local officers was as much a matter of careful calculation , and the first to apply was the most likely to be successful when a vacancy occurred .
27 In total therefore there are seven times as many graduate men among all employees , so getting on to the wage profiles that grow fastest and last longest is very much a matter of educational credentials .
28 But Gloucester 's acquisition of Skipton was as much a matter of strengthening existing connections as of creating new ones .
29 Even as Acheson pondered the problem Smith argues that the US was already moving toward support of the French although it might not have been so much a matter of whose hand was on the tiller as how the compass was being set .
30 It is , however , very much a matter of judgement how far it is desirable to pursue coverage at all costs .
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