Example sentences of "[adv] round [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With the reserves winning 2-1 at Falkirk to stay top of the Premier Reserve League , it was a good day all round for Hearts , though one disappointment for chairman Wallace Mercer was that the game at Tynecastle was watched by just over 7,000 .
2 It was worse all round for people with kids : they ca n't back-answer anybody .
3 It was a miserable day all round for Gloucestershire , in fact .
4 Red faces all round at Chase Manhattan following a foray into London 's docklands in search of new offices .
5 Bit of a washout all round at school , really .
6 So , its all round to Gav or Kev 's for tea and cake before the match then ; - ) )
7 A girl appeared in a black sloppy jumper , getting the last from a bottle of Squeezy , her hair up all round with wisps like a Victorian , like ( almost remembering , grabbing squirts it away ) my Ma … ( now I see her ) before she went ( now I do n't ) … away .
8 And travelling round Ireland , travelling round Ireland all all round it , Cork all round with slates from here .
9 Those who did achieve such distinction , however , reflected glory on both school and teachers , and the English mistress at once saw how to gain advantages all round from Victoria 's unhappiness .
10 It was variously known as ‘ The Cage ’ or ‘ The Goldfish Bowl ’ , on account of its having windows all round from waist height to the ceiling .
11 We had a good field of fire all round in case the enemy came out of the sunken road or over the hedge .
12 Neck very short : legs short , legs and toes feathered in front ( all round in Pallas 's Sandgrouse ) .
13 The hotel gave her a shock ; he had n't thought to explain the state of siege , the barbed wire fence all round like Colditz and the lights .
14 Cos they live down round near Tina 's but not like Tina 's house , before that off Allard Avenue round the back of Allard Avenue .
15 I peeled off my clothes and took a long shower — it would be a long time before I took a bath again , and certainly not round at Sunil 's — and treated myself to a proper shave with hot water and a razor .
16 There was no sort of law against erm employing people without a certain amount of rest and erm that was employed , er that was occupied that office from first thing in the morning when the bus went out from five o'clock and erm he would , the depot clerk would go off round about dinner time , there 'd be his relief who came on at nine o'clock and worked with him until dinner time and he 'd carry on till five and then we had , what was called , the cashiers come on duty then , there was a cashier and erm a hand .
17 I ran off round to Marie 's and we shared out the Cadbury 's bar and then we went and played ball against Julie 's house .
18 Stuart jumped out and pattered plumply round to Gillian 's door .
19 Mind you got short that was a killer up round by place .
20 Hairy tweed coat and skirt , and a woolly hat over thick white hair , cut straight round at ear length , with a fringe .
21 I then retraced my steps all the way back round to Crib Goch because the position of the sun allowed me renewed photo opportunities from its rim — a rim now 40 feet above me as I lay on a ledge .
22 At the end of the month I crept back round to John D.Wood to explain that the ninety pounds would not be forthcoming and they should feel free to place the property back on the market .
23 She jumped to her feet , looking wildly round for escape , but he stood directly between her and the door .
24 And then make a separate statement on swearing the policy that er a new settlement of approximately X dwellings will be er provided in relation to the Greater York area or even round of type of form of dwelling you think is appropriate .
25 We were almost round to Otters ' Bay now .
26 I went to change me poll tax and er I says to her , I says , I should be court to Monday oh she says you 've got a fifteen pound court thing , I says aye , she says oh well that 's fifteen pound , I says it 's not cos I 'm not paying it I says I 'm not paying the fifteen pound to the court , I says , I says how come last year I did n't pay right round to February last year I said and yet I , your last payment 's next month , you know , she said oh well they 're stricter this year she says , she , if you 'd pay the half year you 'd of been alright
27 I did two tours all the way round to the Gulf and right round to Aden which was very pleasant .
28 There were conflabs in the typing pool and that bossy Marianne going importantly round to areas she normally never trespassed in and June — had felt it was on account of her .
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