Example sentences of "[adv] prove to be " in BNC.

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1 New guidelines followed in 1984 , but these have apparently proved to be less than satisfactory for reasons which are spelled out in the House of Commons Energy Committee Report .
2 However , this has not necessarily proved to be the case when the time has come to commit the words to celluloid .
3 In some cases this is true , but Milan fared well , and the Viscontis especially proved to be very able rulers .
4 This , however , only proved to be a brief respite in the persecutions .
5 ‘ It was then I decided that there had to be a market out there for an ironing service for professional women — and this has very much proved to be the case . ’
6 The actual process of putting them together proved to be an awful lot more difficult than we first thought .
7 According to an industrial lobby , the Union of Producers and Consumers , the new currency is not reducing inflation and is not proving to be convertible .
8 Though the School was successful on the academic side , it was not proving to be financially worthwhile , and the establishment of Public Elementary Schools by the 1870 Education Act did nothing to help .
9 Some time later , she acknowledged that the task was not proving to be as easy as she had expected .
10 Yet it had also already proven to be a powerful and flexible tool for tackling complex system building tasks as set out in Bobrow et al ( 1977 ) .
11 Not yet halfway to our appointment with the Paradise Bird , each island was already proving to be a kingdom unto itself , and the power of our permits was clearly waning the further we travelled .
12 He flights the ball well and is already proving to be a master in disguising the googly .
13 Emphasis has been made on colours being complementary rather than the overpowering theme of total pattern co-ordination , a distinction which is already proving to be a success .
14 The small voluntary TRANSAID team has been strengthened this year by the addition of Eric Schumacher , formerly a senior manager with I.C.I. Eric brings with him extensive general management and transport experience , which is already proving to be valuable .
15 But then her smile faded — Miguel was still lost to Shelley , even if Victoria no longer proved to be a rival .
16 Porterfield has already gone on record by saying the former England coach has easily proved to be his best signing .
17 This is certainly not a mainstream industry practice and the instances where this has occurred have largely proved to be cases of cleverly couched extortion .
18 The Korean rearmament programme soon proved to be too ambitious for Britain 's fragile economy and fatal to Attlee 's Labour Government .
19 The simple method of inverting the bottles , as Dom Pérignon had done in his sand-pit , although adequate for the small amounts required by individuals , soon proved to be less than perfect for large commercial quantities .
20 If the fringe soon proved to be rather tattier , the services more underhand than the original promotional copy made out , well , that was only to be expected of an enterprise left to run itself without Capellan supervision .
21 Beginning as an ordinary mechanic , Murdock soon proved to be an excellent worker and rapidly rose to be Boulton & Watt 's most trusted worker and adviser .
22 But of course one evening gown and one day dress soon proved to be a woefully insufficient wardrobe for someone who was being escorted around Boston as much as Ellie now was .
23 The Scania soon proved to be seriously defective and not of merchantable quality .
24 Mr Kohl 's glossy coating of the bitter pill of economic union undoubtedly won him votes , but the coating has already proved to be thin .
25 ( If it appears to be too gross and simple to the library and information professional , I can assure you that it has already proved to be too complex for many busy executives to take the time to grasp ! )
26 The trust has already proved to be a good performer .
27 Huge sums will soon have to be spent to relieve road congestion ; persuading a proportion of the public to travel by a convenient alternative has already proved to be cheaper than building more roads in many areas .
28 Those arrangements have already proved to be a useful interim measure — but they are only that , pending the introduction of the Bill , which provides for a much more comprehensive scheme .
29 The 1983/4 Time Budget Survey — the first national time use survey to be sponsored by the ESRC — has already proved to be a rich source of information and has yielded fruitful insights in a wide variety of areas , ranging from the division of labour in the home to the activities of unemployed and elderly people .
30 The uranium ore he was carrying had not proved to be radioactive , his lawyer said .
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