Example sentences of "[adv] his eyes [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly his eyes widened and he lunged forward .
2 ( This hits ROS between the eyes but only his eyes show it .
3 Only his eyes seemed alive , burning with a dark fire as he stared at her .
4 Only his eyes burned in the flawless face .
5 Nevertheless , for all that he 'd been around there was definitely something that was attractive and appealing about him ; only his eyes gave him away , because they could turn cold and introspective while those around him were whooping it up .
6 Nevertheless his eyes had begun to gleam with an excitement that was unwilling to be lured into hope .
7 Nevertheless his eyes rested on her , as they had done that first day .
8 A tear slowly rolled down his grandfather 's face , but still his eyes gazed at a point miles and miles away .
9 A slight flush had crept over Albert 's unlovely countenance , but still his eyes remained lowered .
10 Gradually his eyes felt so heavy , he had to close them .
11 The Times reader walked off his eyes fixed in false concentration .
12 She walked past him into the big sitting-room and he followed her , lounging insolently against the door-frame as once more his eyes seemed to strip her .
13 For a moment more his eyes held hers , then , as if paying homage to her beauty , and with such elegance of manner that she felt quite spellbound , he took hold of one of her hands , and raised it to his lips .
14 For once his eyes point where I want them to point .
15 Hoomey , in the next desk , was yawning , having sat up late to watch the horror film , and had a comic open on his desk which he was reading whenever his eyes happened to be open .
16 Each time she looked up his eyes met hers and she was unable to put a good face on things .
17 Matt can twitch his face in any direction and crinkle up his eyes knowing that his jailbait fans will be sitting there wetting themselves .
18 Tom screwed up his eyes to look at Zach .
19 But now his eyes had spotted the date .
20 Now his eyes look slightly mad .
21 He drank it , she dandled him on her knee ; presently his eyes closed and he slept again , so that Mary could return him to his cradle .
22 But even his eyes gave her no answer .
23 I 'll tell you what sir , he said , I 'll write it down for … here his eyes narrowed a bit , he hesitated , you can …
24 Nervously his eyes flicked over the screen .
25 Slowly his eyes closed and his head dropped quietly on to his chest .
26 Slowly his eyes toured the skirts and the bodice , which her hands had draped in place .
27 Then his eyes saw one of his country 's rivers , his heart melted .
28 Then his eyes strayed back to the Luggage .
29 Then his eyes grew hard .
30 He took in the blood still dripping from Alexei 's sword , and then his eyes went to the blowpipe in Jehana 's hand .
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