Example sentences of "[adv] have lost [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is that we tend to be left with an RE which effectively has lost its " R " .
2 Had Robson 's calming influence been available to United against their neighbours , then they may not have lost their composure and the chance to move four points clear of Leeds .
3 When I reflected on all this later I knew that I just should not have lost my temper .
4 He may not have lost his ability to balance , or he may have relearned it through his therapy sessions .
5 He did n't make it to the course on the next day , was sacked , and always maintained that if he had n't given up the drink for those ten days or so and ‘ dried out ’ he would not have got so drunk , would have been on the course at the appointed time , would not have lost his job , and would have have carried for yet another Open Champion .
6 A male dietitian would not have lost his job until he was aged 65 .
7 Previously , if dismissed a qualifying worker would normally have lost his home , but the Act now provides security of tenure that extends to a surviving spouse and , under certain circumstances , to some other family members .
8 But the idea of trying to do the same was impossible for Midlander like me — the nearest reservoir was over 20 miles away and after a couple of circuits would soon have lost its charm .
9 But the world outside had lost its interest , and the quiet place was now the centre of all feeling .
10 Leslie could have participated in battles on historic ground , and perhaps not have lost his life , but come back to me .
11 ‘ I am not aware of ever having lost my patience , ’ said Ann .
12 For a man running a fastmoving high-ticket business , he sure has lost his interest in life .
13 The experience had clearly chastened Mr Wormwood and he seemed temporarily to have lost his taste for boasting and bullying .
14 However , 22 per cent of GP referrals and 42 per cent of other referrals were widowed , divorced , or separated , and hence had lost their partner .
15 The boy had lost the father he adored , and soon after had lost his darling mother also .
16 Asshe must have known , when he put in the advertisement , that it would terminate Paul 's employment , make them beggars , for Dinah also had lost her place .
17 As Beth had reminded the boy on more than one occasion , his sister also had lost her parents , and the home she had been raised in .
18 Even if a breach of fiduciary duty by the defendants had been proved , they would not thereby have lost their right to commission unless they had acted dishonestly , and the plaintiff did not allege , nor did the judge find , any bad faith by the defendants ( post , p. 944C ) .
19 As to the defendants ' claim for commission , even if a breach of fiduciary duty by the defendants had been proved , they would not thereby have lost their right to commission unless they had acted dishonestly .
20 Agrippa , his fat face covered in sweat , had already despatched one but now had lost his sword and kept turning his horse sharply to counter his final opponent .
21 ‘ Maybe you really have lost your memory or you 'd know I would n't fall for that .
22 The man who saved The Roses Theatre from closure twelve years ago has lost his fight to stay in control .
23 He may well have been scorned , he may well have lost his job bad word may have got back to Rome , they may have sent the telegrams back to Caesar telling him all about Pilate , but it was n't sufficient reason for him rejecting Christ .
24 He might even have lost her filecube between the islands of venerable desks .
25 England then had lost their last seven wickets for 58 in the first innings and eight for 67 in the second .
26 Vice-Admiral de Robeck , unaware of the true cause of the disaster and fearing the presence of land-based torpedoes , seems either to have lost his nerve or simply to have resolved on caution .
27 Fragments of tRNA , that evidently have lost their intact tertiary tRNA-structure , may also function as substrates for some modifying enzymes , as shown for tRNA ( m 5 U54 ) methyltransferase from E.coli ( 7 ) and tRNA(Gm18)methyltransferase from Thermus thermophilus ( 8 ) .
28 Grasmere , too has lost its galleries but evidently they were there once as de Quincey wrote describing them in his Recollections , ‘ A very interesting feature of the elder architecture , annually becoming more and more rare viz the outside gallery , which is sometimes merely of wood , but is much more striking when provided for in the original construction of the house and completely enfoncée in the masonry . ’
29 More than 50,000 Vietnamese ‘ boat people ’ waste their lives in squalid , overcrowded prison-like camps in Hong Kong , almost certainly having lost their gamble to secure a new life in the West .
30 She braved herself to meet his eyes , wondering if he too had lost his appetite and for the same reason as her .
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