Example sentences of "[adv] in her hand " in BNC.

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1 which curtsied gently in her hand
2 Jazzbeaux grabbed the old woman 's hair , and it came away in her hand .
3 She tries the front door , tugging at the knob until it almost comes away in her hand , before she remembers that Anya has pocketed the key ; the door by the sink proves equally unyielding .
4 She stared down at the disgusting mass as it came away in her hand for a moment and then she marched after him with pursed lips and a determined gleam in her eyes .
5 It was already in her hand before he spoke , and by the time the men came back with the table and pillows they were running in normal saline through a line in his hand .
6 She turned the brooch over in her hand .
7 Moving into first gear the knob came off in her hand again .
8 She drew in a deep breath ; then , the cloth still in her hand , she turned about and went into the kitchen .
9 Louise Taylor was asleep in the back , a half-eaten sandwich , made of chorny bread and salad , still in her hand .
10 Nicandra stood aside , the bruised gardenia still in her hand .
11 Alexandra said , and drifted from the room , the journal still in her hand .
12 Leith was sitting stunned , with her glasses still in her hand , when a minute later Jimmy rushed in with the papers he 'd been to collect .
13 She swung round , empty syringe still in her hand , and found herself staring at Robert Sheldrake .
14 One she carried tightly rolled up in her hand ; the other she pinned inside her coat .
15 Kreig looked up , an ear held delicately in her hand like some alien flower .
16 When she closed the door again the packet was n't in her hand .
17 She turned and looked down at the handbag , clutched tightly in her hand , and flung it far across the room .
18 Ruth was still clutching it tightly in her hand as later he closed the door of his hotel suite behind them , locking out the world and turning to draw her into his arms .
19 It flexed once or twice in her hand , then died .
20 Now , Eleanor Thorne was eighty-nine years old , and her conversation was erratic , but Dorothea still sat with her , and for the odd fifteen or twenty minutes , and sometimes as long as an hour , they would talk , as they had always done and the present world swung temporarily into focus for the old lady , and she held on to it , like a crystal ball , firmly in her hand .
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