Example sentences of "[adv] he [verb] left " in BNC.

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1 But perhaps he 'd left it too late .
2 There was still a job to do , and although it might not seem much in comparison to the past , it was all he had left .
3 It was all he had left to bind him to reality .
4 And so he 'd left London , to come here , hoping to lick the closing wise wound of whatever talent it was he had .
5 So he 's left he left her ?
6 Tonight he had left her with a few unanswered questions , and speculations buzzing around her brain .
7 A minute later he had left the village .
8 He was married , you see , but he told me today he 'd left his wife .
9 Today he 'd left that hotel .
10 ‘ Finished it , ’ he concluded for her , and Leith knew then that if Naylor Massingham had been looking to find fault with her work then plainly he 'd left no stone unturned .
11 His name was on the voters ' list as occupying Moat Hall , the small mansion Burden had found deserted , but plainly he had left it months before .
12 His wife , Pamela , whom fortunately he had left behind , was an acid-tongued woman who managed a fleet of launderettes .
13 Now if the child can not interpret and relate the symbols to the animal , then he 's left wondering what the symbols mean , he ca n't relate the symbols to understanding that a cow is spelt verbally as C O W , and he 's left quite mystified , and he does n't know what we 're talking about .
14 ‘ Marius wrote a letter to his son last November — this is a copy of it — complaining in humble terms about how he 'd left himself short by the gift and not taken inflation into account , and would Nigel let him have a small income from various shares and properties ?
15 Maybe he 'd left the stage of his own accord .
16 But Joyce 's abortive service in the regiment dated from the following year , when he had left Ireland for good and when the Anglo-lrish Treaty was in force .
17 Last week , when he had left Joe Hyde in the bookshop , he had more or less made up his mind not to attend the meeting of the Irish sympathizers planned for this night .
18 She remembered Havvie 's last words when he had left her that afternoon , and knew that what he had said was true .
19 He had been a member of the New Wafd until 1984 , when he had left the party in protest at its electoral alliance with the Moslem Brotherhood .
20 Since when he 'd left her alone again , and Dolly was having to put up with the April breeze .
21 He would have to be seen a.s.a.p. , and would have to come up with a satisfactory explanation of exactly why and when he 'd left The Randolph .
22 Laura almost groaned out loud as she recalled Ross 's reassuring words when he 'd left for London two days ago .
23 Whatever else he had left her , Ember ( the name was oddly freighted with inferences of his mass , his power , the clean safe smell of him ) had let her know indirectly that they were a threat .
24 And talking of books , The Forest and the Fire still lay on the pillow where he had left it , before getting undressed .
25 We were proud to welcome Wayne C. Fairbrother who survived after 188 days wandering round a Birmingham multi-storey car park trying to remember where he had left his blue Sierra .
26 Endill climbed to the shelf where he had left the cough mixture and saw that it had gone .
27 Mariana had moved to the table where he had left the map .
28 This way , it was going to be fairly obvious that someone had emptied a bottle of bleach into the punch but , since Henry could not possibly have a motive for murdering the whole of Maple Drive ( as far as the police were concerned , anyway ) , it would be relatively easy for him to gasp in horror and dismay and to take the Wimbledon CID around the places where he had left the bowl of punch unattended .
29 It was considerably more than the hour Friar Tuck had reckoned on when he and the Trapper emerged on the track where he had left Marian and Allen .
30 Marian was not where he had left her .
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