Example sentences of "[adv] he [verb] gone " in BNC.

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1 She knew he did n't escape : perhaps he had gone mad , a gibbering idiot in the middle of that room , in the dark , with those doors opening and closing all around him .
2 Perhaps he had got himself moved to the bigger town , or perhaps he had gone home to London as some of the children had done .
3 He had been so determined to be ungullible , city-wise that perhaps he had gone too far in the other direction , and so read a threat in everything the big city had to offer .
4 Perhaps he had gone along with it , and if he had , for whatever reason , agreed to the fiction , was it her place to undo it ?
5 Perhaps he had gone straight to bed .
6 Adam went on looking at her , and her heart sank ; perhaps he 'd gone too far away in his mind to come back now .
7 Perhaps he 'd gone down to Somerset to see his mother .
8 If the house was n't locked , perhaps he 'd gone to the pub to buy his horrible cigarettes or another bottle of Scotch to drown his sorrows — whatever , she did n't think he would have gone far .
9 Perhaps he 's gone to visit one of his friends — he does that sometimes . "
10 Perhaps he 's gone to the pub to steady his nerves . ’
11 Perhaps he 's gone to shops ?
12 Obviously he 'd gone out for cigarettes , or lunch — or perhaps — it was a sudden exciting hope — he was upstairs in John 's room , waiting for me there .
13 So he had gone to that other place where , so Mrs Parvis said , red and orange fires burned day and night , so hot that glass and brick and even solid rock melted to liquid .
14 he 's over there so do something so he 's , he 's going fucking he 's gone , why have you got a gun , he said we 'll think of something so he 's gone over his hand
15 Thus he has gone .
16 Once the hunting season was over he had gone straight off to Ireland to fish , and then , on the outbreak of war , had promptly rejoined his regiment , and as their colonel-in-chief had made several sorties to France during the next three years .
17 he 's over there so do something so he 's , he 's going fucking he 's gone , why have you got a gun , he said we 'll think of something so he 's gone over his hand
18 To le that the end is not nigh he 's gone it 's postponed
19 Five minutes later he had gone in , his grotesquely helmeted head rose from the layer of mist , to wave them down .
20 Once again she felt a rush of warmth for Josh ; clearly he 'd gone to some lengths to cover up for her , and for that she 'd be eternally grateful .
21 Well , now he had gone to find her , but if his Eileen was really an angel she doubted they would meet , for Paddy had been no saint .
22 For nearly six months now he had gone to Father Michael at St Cunegonde 's for long , thrilling discussions about whether he had a vocation for the priesthood .
23 Now he had gone up she need n't modify her actions to spare his feelings .
24 WHAT A lucky man Dick Crossman was — and now he 's gone and been lucky again .
25 He was accused of asserting that Hitler had rejected the army 's suggestions of an airlift to remove the encircled troops , and of saying : ‘ The Führer has always spoken himself about how important Stalingrad is , and now he 's gone and lost it . ’
26 Now he 's gone wrong , somehow .
27 Now he 's gone .
28 AT LEAST Barnet players could always turn to Barry Fry , but now he 's gone , they are prepared to follow him out of the club in a mass exodus .
29 Now he 's gone — we 're left grieving ,
30 Now he 's gone , I think it 's time you admitted how false it always was . ’
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