Example sentences of "[adv] i would think " in BNC.

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1 But mostly I would think it would be
2 I before Ghost is on I would think .
3 If I did n't know better I 'd think there was a man on the horizon . ’
4 If I did n't know better I 'd think he was trying to be as diplomatic possible in order to keep himself in line for the England job .
5 So I would think that would probably be the only way we would protect ourselves if the threat did come … .
6 So I would think that we 're working on a five minute schedule .
7 So I would think it 's just always been at that that site .
8 Very easily I would think .
9 They would n't issue those things individually I 'd think .
10 a hell of a lot really , normally you would n't have the vinyl and normally I would think you would only put the tongue and groove not out of the polystyrene behind it and the vinyl , I ca n't see why people want tongue and groove that they go to all those lengths would you ?
11 Like , as if it was fri , you know , like I would think to myself , if I did n't know that , I do n't think they would mistreat it .
12 And often I would think of Rendlesham Hall .
13 Er now I would think that the lexicon itself is just a w a whacking great look up table yes ?
14 There 's so many different things changed today as well , it 's impossible really to erm keep up with it now today I would think .
15 Busy here today I would think .
16 Well I would think our takings are higher than the cinema .
17 Well I would think the Council would be delighted to have those details in front of it for us to have a full discussion and to make it known but thank you Councillor for all those details .
18 Er yeah it is Stefan but because you know it 's the first one to come into leaf and the first one to shed , then possibly it will flower at a different time as well I would think and that may be the clue .
19 Well I would think it would n't be half , but then I do n't know owt about it so it 's no good me saying , but take , taking the type of the woman
20 Well I would think that 's probably the best idea
21 Well I would think it er is n't to be would n't you ?
22 well I would think if it could lodged during the course of the next ten days or so
23 Well I 'd think they 'd have to be good , they er er at Bolton at the General Election , they put Bolton Southeast through a lot of Bolton West and Northeast but
24 We must of have plenty of pencils up here I would think .
25 Now they 're sort of things that you 've probably seen yourself quite frequently I would think .
26 Well I , I would n't mind watching that , yes I , no I would n't I 'd think it 's silly , told you once I saw at the I could n't , this does n't want to stay up this double sided tape .
27 However , if it gets bottomless then I would think everyone will be pulling out in hordes . ’
28 Then I would think , I sha n't see him again for months , perhaps years , and it seemed ridiculous .
29 If he was given a chance consistently then I would think that an effective patnership would develope and greatly improve Rocky 's playing — something that no second team football can do — not to mention improving his confidence .
30 If it was a question that this vehicle was in that state when the sold it , then I would think that most of them would put that right themselves .
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