Example sentences of "[adv] be ignore by " in BNC.

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1 For 38 years , a dirty , secret war has been going on in Guatemala , a war which has largely been ignored by the outside world .
2 When the Japanese returned to investing in the 1960s , they first concentrated on Asian markets that had largely been ignored by earlier investors .
3 Its provision could no longer be ignored by government and left wholly to private charity , particularly as legislation had made public funds available for the education of hearing children from 1832 , and their education had been made compulsory by law in 1876 .
4 These were considerations that could not be ignored by a Conservative leader , Austen Chamberlain had been toppled in 1922 because he had not withdrawn from an unpopular coalition in time ; and one of the motives for the destruction of the Lloyd George coalition was a desire to replace it by a protectionist government .
5 Its importance and future potential should not be ignored by governments in their agricultural planning .
6 However many of the allegedly doubtful species have more recently been re-recorded , and the work of Heslop Harrison and his team remains a major contribution which can not be ignored by any serious student of the Outer Hebridean flora .
7 Because of the common frontier between the two countries , and also because of considerable French economic interests which had grown during the period of the Second Empire , whatever happened on the far side of the Pyrenees could not be ignored by the government in Paris .
8 Cirencester could not be ignored by the Royalists .
9 While the widespread building of town walls in the second half of the fourteenth century provided a measure of safety against marauding forces ( even against the Companies ) , such fortifications could not be ignored by an enemy bent upon conquest .
10 These lessons from Ireland can surely not be ignored by any small British party seeking fair and reliable PR .
11 It is , however , the industrial revolution that can not be ignored by any business intent on progress and security .
12 Robert Adams has photographed subjects which have usually been ignored by photographers driving somewhere else , to where landscape really begins .
13 These may well be ignored by the algorithm if they score sufficiently poorly .
14 More and more women from a peasant background are now reaching this stage — a fact which ca n't be ignored by employers .
15 The rest , collectively categorised as ‘ alternative medicine ’ , ‘ fringe medicine ’ and ‘ natural therapeutics ’ , have sometimes been ignored by orthodox Western medical practitioners , and sometimes derided .
16 Instead , the number of synonyms has been calculated , but they have then been ignored by the mathematics , and so have not interfered with the ‘ storage ’ of other records .
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