Example sentences of "[adv] be regard as " in BNC.

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1 The research focus shifted to the role of the message in referential communication , and also to listeners who had hitherto been regarded as a somewhat passive element .
2 The ruling Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) was heavily defeated in two by-elections , on Feb. 9 and on March 5 , in what had hitherto been regarded as safe LDP constituencies .
3 Women pastors have long been regarded as something quite normal .
4 Iraq and Iran have long been regarded as strategic counterweights .
5 Simon Robson has long been regarded as first eleven material , while Stedman has bowled with some success in his slower mode .
6 The University of San Carlos has long been regarded as a hotbed of opposition , and the list of those imprisoned , tortured and murdered is long , even since 1986 .
7 When FDA clearance comes through the final product in a portfolio of basic food ingredients will be in place — promising the transformation of what has long been regarded as one of Britain 's most boring businesses into a world beater .
8 In a country where , as a popular song puts it , ‘ every son is born a soldier ’ and turns out each year for a spell of military service until he is well into middle age , the army has long been regarded as an essential part of the country 's armed neutrality .
9 SERBIA 'S president , Slobodan Milosevic , has long been regarded as the artful dodger of Balkan politics .
10 The British countryside has long been regarded as a source of out-migration and a pool of reserve labour for urban areas .
11 In Britain , with its strong two-party system , a government defeat on a vote of confidence has long been regarded as a theoretical possibility rather than practical politics .
12 Second , income tax has long been regarded as a tax of central importance in government management of the economy ; it is a major financial and psychological weapon in securing the success of the Cabinet 's economic strategy .
13 Herodotus has long been regarded as a mythographer as much as a historian , for he records not just the bare facts , but the multiple versions of events he has gathered from a variety of sources .
14 A British international cap has long been regarded as the ultimate achievement for the amateur golfer .
15 The residents of Unity Flats are shrugging off the stigma of living in what has long been regarded as one of the city 's most undesirable areas .
16 Gusmao had long been regarded as a symbol of the resistance to Indonesian rule in East Timor and his capture was a massive blow to Fretilin .
17 The continuous return to the same subject to wring out every ounce of meaning from it , has long been regarded as the hallmark of the true professional .
18 Among immature Pterygote insects , the gills of mayfly nymphs , the abdominal prolegs if Lepidopteran and Symphytan larvae , the terminal appendages of Trichopteran larvae and the gills of Sialoid larvae have all been regarded as true abdominal appendages ) Snodgrass , 1935 ) , but this is not satisfactorily established ( Pryor , 1951 ) .
19 Genette speaks of this change in emphasis as a restoration of equilibrium in literary studies : ‘ Literature had long enough been regarded as a message without a code for it to become necessary to regard it for a time as a code without a message ( 1982 : 7 ) .
20 The manner in which death came to men , including those innocent of any offence , could be so appalling that the final stroke could only be regarded as a merciful relief .
21 Furthermore , it was felt that the potential costs of providing the necessary microfilming equipment , plus additional staff time , would outweigh any benefits gained , particularly as this could only be regarded as an interim solution before progressing to greater computerisation .
22 From this point of view , which could make no place for miracles understood as cases of divine , supernatural interference with the laws of nature , reports of alleged miracles could only be regarded as evidence of credulity and ignorance on the part of those who originated and passed on the stories .
23 For public transport flights it is a very small risk indeed , but it can only be regarded as a prudent action to take out personal life insurance before one voluntarily exposes oneself to the hazards of flight .
24 In the context of bureaucratic assessment , however , it could only be regarded as ‘ noise in the system ’ .
25 In what can only be regarded as the ultimate pilot 's ‘ Jim 'll fix it ’ fantasy come true , he persuaded the RAF to let him go through key parts of the four-year course that ends with a posting to an operational fighter squadron .
26 And this , in turn , would seem to justify Professor Gaddis 's conclusion that the assumption was that such governments , whether in Western Europe or Japan , and whether or not they came to power by legal or illegal means , could only be regarded as instruments of the Kremlin and hence not truly independent .
27 Not surprisingly therefore , the results of the 1983 survey show that mass unemployment ‘ has created a serious new risk of what can only be regarded as downward social mobility — and that risk is much greater for men in working class positions , by whatever route they come into them , than it is for others ’ ( p. 17 ) .
28 By strict standards , therefore , the memoirs must contain much that can only be regarded as fiction .
29 While most students not in receipt of a job offer were making applications and attending interviews at the time they completed the Initial destinations questionnaires , the fact that one third of students would be looking for employment at the end of the courses can only be regarded as a disappointing , and rather unexpected , finding .
30 I have come to the conclusion that the important points here are that ( i ) since there was no danger at this time in registering a protest , ( ii ) the final payments were made without any qualification , and ( iii ) were followed by a delay until July 31 , 1975 , before the owners put forward their claim , the correct inference to draw , taking an objective view of the facts , is that the action and inaction of the owners can only be regarded as an affirmation of the variation in June , 1973 , of the terms of the original contract by the agreement to pay the additional 10 per cent .
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