Example sentences of "[adv] expect he to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One would naturally expect him to be well fed . ’
2 She did not expect him to be ‘ faithful ’ , but he was .
3 Do not expect him to always be amused , though ; he is a very powerful man .
4 Edward had not come back from the construction firm at David with anything saved up , but then , she had hardly expected him to .
5 Well , we hardly expect him to be a successful , happily married bank manager with four lovely kids just coming up to GCE or whatever they call it now .
6 You could hardly expect him to be ready to defend it , or give his life for it .
7 On the drive back he considered whether the man were guilty of something more heinous than drinking champagne with a rich young woman on an afternoon when his constituents might reasonably expect him to be in the House of Commons .
8 The point being that even Bleasdale who knew Palin well had n't expected him to be quite so nice .
9 She had n't expected him to be simply standing there , watching her , and her breath caught in a small gasp as she almost collided with him .
10 She ploughed on : ‘ He goes where the Cap'n goes , and th'ca n't expect him to on her apron , and went to open the door .
11 You ca n't expect him to be grateful for things we did together when we were in love — when we were working happily together .
12 At this stage I could n't expect him to be on the bit , but nor did I want him slopping along .
13 You could n't expect him to be logical , I should 've learnt that by now .
14 ‘ I certainly hope you would n't expect him to , ’ said my mother .
15 They would n't expect him to be in a vehicle .
16 He made it clear he could never acknowledge my existence to his family and I did n't expect him to .
17 Fael-Inis told him very gently and very nicely , but you ca n't expect him to be other than quite dreadfully upset , can you ?
18 He did n't apologise for what he 'd just said , she did n't expect him to .
19 ‘ I do n't expect him to , ’ Fernando said solemnly .
20 Yeah , well you do n't expect him to be on top of the world do you ?
21 I did n't expect him to be quite that big but he
22 ‘ It is a real bonus after I fully expected him to be unavailable for the Poland match .
23 I half expected him to " clown " a bit and not to be really interested , but he worked seriously and was a great asset to the group and to me in later discussion .
24 She half expected him to be angry , but he seemed amused rather than annoyed .
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