Example sentences of "[adv] enough to be " in BNC.

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1 It does n't mean you 've got to , should , does n't mean you 've got to have a loud voice , it just means you 've got to speak , speak clearly and slowly enough to be clear .
2 In both countries , a significant fraction is of ‘ unknown ’ origin or ‘ background ’ , in the air long enough to be difficult to assign to any one source .
3 Suedehead — hair long enough to be influenced by a comb .
4 This pond survived just long enough to be incorporated into the Shropshire Union Canal in 1833 , complete with an unusual wealth of water plants , which have earned the canal basin the status of Site of Special Scientific Interest in 1986 .
5 Even if micro-organisms can be preserved in chert , it is difficult to believe that a creature as large but as fragile and insubstantial as a jellyfish could retain its shape long enough to be fossilised .
6 His hair was white and powdered and long enough to be tied in a small black silk bow .
7 The latter region incorporates the material that is oligomeric , and the line separating II and III represents the oligomer-polymer transition where the chains begin to become long enough to be considered capable of adopting a gaussian coil conformation .
8 The words THE HANGMAN S ARMS showed up just long enough to be read .
9 We 're all extending our overdrafts in the hope that we can stay in business long enough to be around when the upturn starts .
10 He 's the young man who 's taking me to the concert and I have n't known him long enough to be late .
11 Still , in spite of the above , I just want to live long enough to be a problem to my children .
12 Nicely dressed , but not expensively enough to be a client .
13 I positioned myself in the entrance to the doorway sufficiently enough to be able to see through the er the window we have in the shield erm to see quickly into the room to see er what 's in the room and if there are any persons in the room .
14 So far neither of them had raised their voices , or only enough to be heard above Gordon 's din .
15 At 1 p.m. on the twenty-sixth , explosions loud enough to be heard well over 150 kilometres away were taking place at intervals of about ten minutes , and at about 2 p.m. an English ship , 120 kilometres from the scene , sighted a black cloud , rising to an altitude estimated to be about twenty-five kilometres above the volcano .
16 Martin stopped a few feet before him and stood with legs planted firmly apart , said loud enough to be heard above the music , ‘ What are you drinking ? ’
17 Is your voice loud enough to be heard on all occasions ?
18 He passed her , holding his face away from every shouted word , interspersing them with his own but not loud enough to be heard : ‘ Stop it , ’ ‘ This is destructive , ’ ‘ Do n't say these things , ’ until in the middle of the hall he thrashed the coat repeatedly against the floor , yelling louder than he had ever done .
19 Afterwards he will raise his voice and holler loud enough to be heard by the whole roomful of guests milling around chatting , perhaps talking excitedly with drinks in their hands , ‘ LADIES and GENTLEMEN !
20 ‘ How long ? ’ shouted Billie from the rear , loud enough to be heard over the roar of the two-hundred horsepower engine .
21 The older man shook his head slightly , his mouth made a round shape , ‘ Aw , come on , cut it out , man , ’ ( but not loud enough to be heard ) .
22 They turned south this time and soon Jenna was amused and intrigued to see huge gaggles of geese in fields , moving about almost as one and honking loud enough to be heard over the noise of the car .
23 The checks of his three-piece suit were large and loud enough to be migraine-inducing , and the tie , although defiantly striped , was not one she recognised .
24 But there was a snap loud enough to be heard in the bushes , and then a long-drawn-out clinking noise as the chain fell away .
25 It was not enough to be the best in the world at your chosen sport , as Joe Davis found to his cost .
26 ‘ Poetry places me in a very special position — as someone who in the end came to terms with society but not enough to be socially acceptable . ’
27 It is not enough to be able to translate a topic into themes : ability to see a theme in turn translated back into action is a necessity .
28 Andrew Andrews , a medical legal expert and legal adviser to Tunbridge Wells Health Authority , said it was not enough to be given legal powers and training .
29 Amzallag says that to be successful ‘ it is not enough to be technically good .
30 Not enough to be a dealer , only enough for what the police termed ‘ personal use ’ .
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