Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] been held " in BNC.

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1 If I thought that the present case raised the question which has been held in suspense by more than one writer on constitutional law — namely , whether an assembly can properly be held to be unlawful merely because the holding of it is expected to give rise to a breach of the peace on the part of persons opposed to those who are holding the meeting — I should wish to hear much more argument before I expressed an opinion .
2 The horse fair , which has been held annually since its inception , appeared to be in no immediate danger of ending its almost 900 year run .
3 Plainly , events such as the Durham Miners ' Gala , which has been held for decades fall within the rubric .
4 If I thought that the present case raised the question which has been held in suspense by more than one writer on constitutional law — namely , whether an assembly can properly be held to be unlawful merely because the holding of it is expected to give rise to a breach of the peace on the part of persons opposed to those who are holding the meeting — I should wish to hear much more argument before expressing an opinion .
5 Such differences have encouraged the view , which has been held by many psychiatrists since the disorder was first identified , that schizophrenia is in fact a group of related conditions .
6 A middle course may be achieved by the phrase : " for the purpose of delineation only " , which has been held to mean that the plan must not be taken to be drawn to scale but the lines are correct diagrammatically ( Re Freeman and Taylor 's Contract ( 1907 ) 97 LT 39 ) .
7 Because there are no unions here staff have not been involved in the strike ballot which has been held at the other four British plants .
8 Among the hundreds of those held without charge or trial in Syria are the following who have appeared in the Letter Writing Campaign : Hakem Sultan al-Faiz , a 61-year-old Jordanian national and former member of the National Command of the Arab Socialist Ba'th Party , who has been held for almost 20 years ; Ahmad ‘ Abd al-Rau'uf Roummou , a 55-year-old teacher , arrested in 1975 ; Muhammad Nabil Salem , an engineer , arrested in the wake of a one-day national strike in 1980 and Mahmud Jalbut , a Palestinian arrested in 1980 .
9 Richard said , still sounding no more than irritated , and a trifle superior , like someone who has been held up on his way home by a street brawl .
10 When the criminal proceedings in the youth court end , and the same young person who has been held in secure accommodation or remand on the same day may be the subject of an application in the family proceedings court , with a guardian to represent them .
11 Mr. Roth contended that it is inconceivable that a party who has been held to be merely negligent should be required to contribute to the damages payable by a party who has been found guilty of fraud .
12 Roderick Newall , who has been held in Gibraltar since being arrested at sea last August , was kept in hospital for three hours ' observation before being returned to prison .
13 ‘ Dewy-eyed , flushed , like a woman who 's been held and kissed and wants to be kissed again . ’
14 MORDECHAI VANUNU : a former nuclear technician at Dimona in Israel , he has been held in solitary confinement since October 1986 .
15 He quickly regained consciousness but was kept under observation for 12 hours before being returned to the prison where he has been held in solitary confinement since his arrest off the Moroccan coast by the Royal Navy last August .
16 One consequence of the breadth of this definition is that it has been held to cover psychological harm — where D causes V to become hysterical or to suffer substantial fear or fright , for example .
17 Sexual intercourse is defined as the penetration of the penis into the vagina : ejaculation is not required , and the offence is committed as soon as penetration takes place , although it has been held that the offence continues throughout penetration ( so that if the woman revokes her consent during intercourse and the man fails to withdraw , he commits rape ) .
18 The limited ‘ defence ’ of mistake about the girl 's age , available to young men under 24 , was explained above , and the reason for creating such a limited ‘ defence ’ is that in general it has been held that the crime does not require any fault element as regards the girl 's age .
19 But it has been held that although all statements must be reviewed at least once a year , a LEA is not obliged to re-assess a statemented child 's special educational needs before s/he is that age unless the parents so request .
20 In the context of employment , where the Act refers to dismissal ‘ or other detriment ’ , it has been held that the phrase in quotation marks refers to an act of the same type as dismissal .
21 In the US it has been held that the Fourth Amendment governs not only the seizure of tangible items , but extends also to the recording of oral statements .
22 It has been held by the European Court of Human Rights that freedom of expression ( Article 10 ) constitutes one of the essential foundations of democratic society , one of the basic conditions for its progress and for the development of every man ( judgment of the Court of 7 December 1976 , Handyside Case , Series A , No.24 ) .
23 The fair was known as Barnaby Fair as it was held on the old Feast of St Barnabas on the 22nd June ; more recently it has been held on the Tuesday nearest this date .
24 It has been held by the High Court that an agreement to settle an appeal made under s 54 , TMA 1970 was subject to the ordinary laws of contract and that it was therefore subject to rectification where , because of a mistake , the agreement was not in accordance with the parties ' intentions ( p 100 ) .
25 It has been held that auditors did not owe a duty of care to creditors of a failed company on which they reported .
26 It has been held that racist remarks made by an employer to an employee can amount to unlawful discrimination at work ( p 114 ) .
27 It has been held that while mezzanine platforms erected in a warehouse could be regarded as plant for capital allowance purposes , ancillary lighting could not ( p 119 ) .
28 It has been held that the court is able to order a sale of mortgaged property against the lender 's wishes even though the mortgage will not be redeemed by the proceeds , if it would be unfair to the borrowers to postpone a sale ( p 100 ) .
29 It has been held that if a solicitor preparing a will omits a provision the testator intended , it counts as a ‘ clerical error ’ , and that the will can therefore be rectified by the court under the Administration of Justice Act 1982 ( p 100 ) .
30 It has been held that loans from a close company to participators in that company were ‘ released ’ within the meaning of s 287(1) , TA 1970 where , under an agreement between the company , the participators and a third party , the third party assumed and then settled the debt ( p 104 ) .
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