Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] suggest that " in BNC.

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31 At about that time , a meeting allegedly took place between Nicholson , Hofmann and another of Hofmann 's associates , Henry Medlock , at which it was suggested that arsenic acid should be tried as an oxidising agent .
32 Following the discovery of prostacyclin it was suggested that endothelial cell production of this very potent antiaggregatory substance might explain this important property ( Moncada et al , 1977 ; Moncada & Vane , 1978 ) .
33 Indeed , in their most extreme form , it was suggested that the legislation of the 1980s heralded the end of local government as an independent sphere .
34 It was suggested that the morale of Registry staff was low , and they appeared isolated from other parts of the departments with no appreciation of their role in terms of other functions , due to the lack of feedback about their performance in meeting the needs of the users .
35 It was suggested that surely we could spare one , or even two , to put in a token appearance now and then ?
36 Following on from such work it was suggested that drugs which tend to increase the activity of acetylcholine might improve learning and memory .
37 Now , it was suggested that Mr X 's alleged subnormality did not seem consistent with a lifestyle that involved successful gambling in London clubs at a complicated card game called Kalooki , savings of £30 000 , and familiarity not just with English and French but with Hebrew and Arabic as well .
38 It was suggested that the caravan dwellers might be hoping for a house on the new Greenstiles development , but Medstead housing group chairman , David Winter , felt it unlikely .
39 It was suggested that the auction should be held in the open-air to enable more people to take part but William Dunlop objected , insisting that the venue be strictly adhered to as arranged .
40 Even though it was suggested that such crises may at some point lead to a collapse of the system , this is not inevitable nor even highly probable .
41 In discussion it was suggested that one could consider the clash of values at the local level in terms of game theory , where ‘ traditionalists ’ were playing the game and were winning whereas ‘ progressivists ’ were not in the game but wanted to change the rules so that they could compete .
42 It was suggested that a dominant ideology was perhaps any widely shared set of ideas that was also powerful ( meaning , presumably , those ideas held by the government ) .
43 It was suggested that the children , by now thoroughly scared by their experiences , might quite simply make their way back to Ridgery Butts and if that were so would be found moving openly along the rides .
44 Following the seizure of the Russian section of partitioned Poland in 1916 and the creation by the Germans of a new ‘ Polish state ’ based on the old Congress Kingdom of Poland , it was suggested that the entire Polish population of Prussia and Silesia should be expelled into this new satellite state , and that Germany should then repopulate its borders with colonists from the western districts , with recalled settlers from Russia , the Ukraine , Hungary and Romania .
45 Already , however , reports of the atrocities in the Highlands were causing revulsion in London and when that month Cumberland was made a freeman of a City livery company it was suggested that the most appropriate would be the butchers ' , giving Cumberland his enduring nickname .
46 At our last meeting it was suggested that two groups should meet to discuss the future work of the Council .
47 The fore-arm alone was 2.5 metres long , but it was suggested that the creature had disproportionately long fore-limbs , possibly resembling a dinosaurian sloth .
48 Midway through the last parliament , it was suggested that Speakers in future should be encouraged to resign well before a general election , so that the new appointee to this post of parliamentary referee — not to say paragon of impartiality — might be selected then , and enabled to face his local electorate , not as a partisan , but as ‘ Mr Speaker seeking re-election ’ .
49 When it was suggested that he would go to the tough Gordonstoun school , she put her foot down .
50 When a young worker offered one group the fact that in Germany workers had been given training to help people see themselves as not being ‘ simply cogs in a wheel ’ , it was suggested that this could not be done in Britain .
51 It was suggested that women move from one factory to other factories at the rate of 50 to 60 a week .
52 In these circumstances , it was suggested that the auditors should have been aware that Fidelity was vulnerable to a takeover bid and that any possible bidder such as Caparo would be likely to rely on the accounts when deciding whether a bid should be made and that loss would be suffered by such a bidder if the accounts were inaccurate .
53 When Jeremy Bentham , the radical jurist , philosopher and founder of University College , London , died in 1832 at the age of eighty-four he bequeathed his body to Dr Southwood Smith , an anatomist and author of Uses of the Dead to the Living , in which it was suggested that the difficulties experienced by medical schools in acquiring bodies for dissection could be alleviated if people chose to bequeath their bodies to them .
54 It was suggested that some form of social or governmental control could be used to ensure access to the media for all viewpoints .
55 Finally it was suggested that if her father continued to be unkind or unpleasant , the only way she could increase the level of care she provided would be to move away from her family and live with him .
56 During the takeover battle , it was suggested that Cadbury Schweppes should act as a white knight to Rowntree , in order to form a strong British company able to compete effectively with the Swiss .
57 Initially it was suggested that it was impossible , and that quasars were in fact relatively nearby objects , their large speeds of retreat arising because , perhaps , they were being spat out by our Galaxy in some unknown way .
58 Although he made such an excellent impression on the journey that it was suggested that he should remain with the Princess as her secretary , he left the royal party at Utrecht .
59 If the college authorities were concerned about the students ' health , it was suggested that they should take action to improve their average daily diet .
60 At the beginning of Chapter 1 it was suggested that linguists and psycholinguists interested in children 's language have addressed two major questions .
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