Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] dr [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This morning I was Dr Vaughan . ’
2 She was Dr Katharine Ash , twenty-five years old , able to handle the admiration she got from the opposite sex with aplomb , supremely confident of her destiny .
3 Next door to you was Dr Wetherby , and beyond him Norman Pinder .
4 Finally there was Dr Lucy Pirnia .
5 Er I 'd say it were Dr Hilary Jones .
6 It was Dr Lacey , professor of microbiology at Leeds University , who explained the transmission of salmonella in eggs and defended assertions by Mrs Edwina Currie , the sacked junior health minister , that the infection had spread throughout the British laying flock .
7 I think your difficulty arises from the fact that if you choose someone who 's alive , they 'll deny it , and if you indicate that it was Dr Wetherby , whose bedroom on my plan is next door to yours , you immediately establish a connection with him which will interest us .
8 ‘ Now I know what else it was Dr Iverson did when he went through to see to the claret before dinner . ’
9 ‘ Perhaps you only thought it was Dr Kemp , sir ? ’ continued Morse .
10 It was Dr Kemp who rang — please believe that !
11 All the same it was Dr Kate Ash who was waiting for him in her small flat , dressed in one of her smart business suits , two matching cases ready by her side .
12 It was Dr O'Connor who Dustin Hoffman turned to when he was researching his Oscar-winning role as autistic savant Raymond Babbitt in Rain Man .
13 But it was Dr George Tolley , director of the MSC 's Open Tech Unit , whatever that is , who was having a go about professional people not keeping up with developments in their professions .
14 It was Dr Kiwi not ‘ Dr Kayewe ’ as Mrs Zamzam remembered , and Dr Nathan not ‘ Dr Natani ’ , but there was indeed a woman doctor called Miriam just as Mrs Zamzam had said .
15 It was Dr Jaffery who told me about two contemporary travel books which rescued the Mughals from being suffocated beneath landslides of silk , diamonds and lapis lazuli — Bernier 's Travels in the Mogul Empire and Manucci 's Mogul India .
16 It was Dr Entwistle who had prodded her more firmly in that direction , oddly enough .
17 It was Dr John Burton , however , who left the classic example of outside prejudice when he observed that the local roads bred two memorable creatures , ungainly spindle-shaped oxen and beautiful long-legged women .
18 It was Dr Rafaelo .
19 It was Dr Who that provided the young Loveday with his earliest musical revelations , as he can remember being transfixed by the time travelling adventures and the theme music ( an early outing into electronic music composed by the legendary Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop ) .
20 They saw a black Morris Cowley pull up in front of Hogan 's and knew it was Dr Johnson .
21 She was wise enough to understand , now that her fear was leaving her , that it was Dr Neil 's very real concern which had made him so sharp with her when he had found out who it was he had rescued .
22 She looked sidelong at him , walking along beside her , his unspoiled profile presented to her ; but the other scarred side did not matter , because it was Dr Neil who mattered , not his face …
23 He said huskily , ‘ Let me , McAllister , ’ and began to unbutton her blouse , ‘ I want to stroke you , McAllister , and not your clothes , ’ and she made no effort to stop him , and when he bent his head to kiss the breasts he had fondled with his hands the cry which she gave was one of pleasure , not fear , for now it was Dr Neil loving her so carefully that the flood of pleasure was almost on her from that alone .
24 From 1962 until his death he was Dr Lee 's professor of anatomy in Oxford and honorary director of the Medical Research Council 's neuroendocrinology unit in the university .
25 He was Dr Neil , and she wanted to throw herself at him , and would have done so three months ago , but he , and Vetch Street , and Effie and Rose , and everything , had changed her .
26 He was Dr Tariq .
27 What was Dr Greene saying now , though ?
28 Among them was Dr Hubertus Van Mook , destined to be the head of the post-war administration .
29 And her last sight of them was Dr Neil standing cold and upright , the scar on his white face angry and vivid , facing the lovely woman whose whole posture was that of a pleading Niobe — McAllister wondered where all these classical allusions were suddenly coming from , remembering that Niobe was famous for her tears , and for their power .
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