Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] held by " in BNC.

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1 Often they are taken as implying a rejection of the kind of view which was held by Bertrand Russell and , less recently , by Isaac Watts .
2 The pear-shaped ‘ image of the Holy Mother of God ’ , which was held by women in labour , is expected to be sold for around £1 500 on November 24 .
3 He finished the day five shots off the lead , which was held by Australian Robert Allenby .
4 A similar situation in some respects developed over the office of fiscal of the regality court of Lennox , or Mugdock , an appointment which was held by William Weir , the town clerk of the burgh of Rutherglen , a gentleman who also officiated as commissary of Hamilton and Campsie .
5 T'zin reached out and took a cup of wine from a tray which was held by a N'pani who stood nearby .
6 In 566 it was Sigibert 's turn to be the aggressor , when he sent an army against Arles , which was held by Guntram .
7 It was held in Chamberlain v IRC 25 TC 317 that where assets settled by X were invested in shares in a company controlled by the settlor , the whole of the capital of which was held by the trustees themselves , the income arising in the company did not arise from property comprised in the settlement within the meaning of TA 1988 , s672(1) .
8 The project marks the fulfilment of a dream which was held by one of the city 's legendary entrepreneurs , the late Lord Leverhulme , who started building work on the replica castle in 1912 .
9 But McCarthy and Waite , who were held by terrorists for five years , refused to co-operate with Granada and accused them of ‘ pure fiction ’ .
10 What was significant was the awe in which she was held by her two senior colleagues , but not so by Mr Straw .
11 She was held by the disturbing events of the night , and here was her chance to wait out a better understanding of them on the spot .
12 He had certainly researched Grantham and Marsh and the testimonial Sebastian had purportedly given her was in line with the high regard in which she had been told she was held by the company , although she 'd hardly expected to be given such a glowing recommendation .
13 Lawrence , a child of Water Orton , a suburban lacuna on the outskirts of Birmingham , spent the dreaded '80s as the leader of Felt , a semi-legendary indie pop outfit whose dearth of sales was inversely matched by the affection and wonky respect in which they were held by the choosier pop consumer .
14 From about 1563 until his death in 1590 they were held by Charles Fox , although he had to share the Signet with John Dudley ; and in 1590 Fox was succeeded by Fulke Greville , who had already taken over Dudley 's share of the Signet and had acquired reversions to the Clerkship of the Council in 1577 and the Secretaryship in 1583 .
15 So also , where an impoverished family left their accommodation on receipt of a distress warrant for rent arrears rather than wait for an eviction order , they were held by the House of Lords to have become homeless intentionally and this encouraged local housing authorities to require such orders before accepting such homeless applicants .
16 In addition there is the letter of Sidonius , a generation earlier , recording the good works of Chilperic I and his wife , and the high regard in which they were held by bishop Patiens .
17 Obviously investment trusts ' management expenses need to be paid and corporation tax paid , again reducing the value of the shares relative to the underlying assets if they were held by the investor .
18 At the time of the Domesday survey , it was held by Count de Mortain , whose tenants were the de Surdevals .
19 It was held by Hobhouse J :
20 He held the same office under Richard III ( apart from a few months when it was held by the duke of Buckingham ) and as the main financial officer in south Wales was largely responsible for funding royal servants such as Tyrell and Richard Newton .
21 In addition , it was held by some to combine the advantages of generality ( a perceived feature of humanities degrees ) with the advantages of usefulness ( a perceived feature of science degrees ) .
22 716 , it was held by the Court of Appeal ( Parker and Nourse L.JJ. , Oliver L.J .
23 It was held by Avory J. and the Court of Appeal that the condition was illegal .
24 It was held by the Lord Ordinary ( Lord Wheatley ) and a majority of the First Division that the corporation was not liable to purchase tax on stationery manufactured by it and supplied to its public service departments but was liable to the tax on stationery supplied to its trading departments .
25 It was held by this House , after taking the opinion of the consulted judges , that the plaintiff was entitled to recover the excess .
26 It was held by the Court of Appeal that the bank was not affected by the improprieties committed towards the defendants by the director and solicitors of S. Ltd. , and that the charge was enforceable .
27 353 in which it was held by the Divisional Court ( Glidewell L.J .
28 In In re Leighton 's Conveyance [ 1937 ] Ch. 149 it was held by the Court of Appeal that a statutory provision providing that ‘ a poor person shall not be ordered to pay any costs ’ did not affect a mortgagee litigant 's right to add his litigation costs to the mortgage security .
29 Thus in Reg. v. Pestano [ 1981 ] Crim.L.R. 397 it was held by the Court of Appeal that the credibility of evidence given by a witness inconsistent with a statement previously made by him was a matter for the jury to consider , subject to a proper warning by the judge as to the weight to be attached to the evidence .
30 It was held by the Court of Common Pleas that the plaintiffs were entitled to be paid the reward due to them by the overseers who were in office at the date of sentence on the ground that until the keepers of the disorderly house had been sentenced there had been no conviction .
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