Example sentences of "[pron] [is] already a " in BNC.

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1 Even with that level of scrutiny , there could be little hope of containing fraud , which is already a serious drain on the EC 's coffers and on its reputation .
2 However , there has been some pressure at health authority level for the mental health service in mid Essex to merge instead with its counterpart in north-east Essex , which is already a trust .
3 Or Curacao , or Surinam , which is already a member of the United Nations ?
4 Longman Hong Kong , which is already a major player in education publishing for schools and higher education , will also publish for business , professional and medical markets , and for children .
5 The reading subject allows the object-text the freedom of its own auto- deconstruction , which is already a fusion of subject and object where reading is an autonomous property of the text .
6 That 's the title of a new book which is already a best-seller in the United States .
7 All 2,060 workers will go in a town which is already an unemployment blackspot .
8 To try and reduce the long-term effects in a region which is already an ecological disaster , peasant organizations and popular movements have encouraged small farmers and farming co-operatives to rediscover and reapply some of the traditional knowledge of their Indian ancestors .
9 ‘ She 's only the same age as Tommy but I think she 's already a good enough organist to start playing in church on Sundays . ’
10 Our Nancy might be only seventeen , but she 's already a full-growed woman to look at , and I know she 'd be pleased to be 'is wife , 'e 'd only 'ave to ask 'er , except 'e did say once that 'e 's waitin' a while before 'e gets married .
11 SCHOOL bosses have barred tragic cancer victim Lucy Roberts from the school all her friends will attend — even though she is already a pupil in its nursery .
12 She is already a megastar in Japan , where she makes frequent visits for personal and TV appearances .
13 She is already a lacemaker of great promise , and this autumn embarks on a City and Guilds course in lacemaking .
14 For the woman who is already a mother , the challenges are now those of coping with growing children and seeing them leave home ; the challenges are always somehow different from how you have imagined them .
15 Yet at the moment there is a feeling in many of the schools I visit ( both in this country and abroad ) that to give attention to the child who is already a ‘ high flier ’ is difficult and somehow immoral .
16 Service of an interlocutory process out of England and Wales is permissible with the leave of the court on a person who is already a party to the proceedings and who in the case of a defendant , respondent or third party , has been served with the originating process but leave shall not be required for such service in any proceedings in which the originating process may by these rules or under any Act be served out of England and Wales without leave , ( Ord 8 , rr 1 and 4 ) .
17 ‘ The writing world is like the music business — they wait until something is already a success .
18 Sordid and diseased , perhaps , but there 's already a compelling and coherent vision at work .
19 If there 's already a working phone line at your new address , and you arrange to take over the service on the same day as the old customer disconnects , it will be re-connected free of charge .
20 There 's already a school for boys in Morton , and now I want to open one for girls , so I 've rented a building for it , with a small cottage for the schoolteacher .
21 You could tell her it 's her fault , not mine and next time she 's feeling like a bit of fun — if that was what she had been feeling like — maybe she 'd give a chap a chance to explain that there 's already a woman in his flat , a woman he will kick out with the utmost speed if she 'd just hang on , a woman he never even invited into it in the first place .
22 I ju just one point to make , that the children ca n't run out of this area onto , there 's already a stile out of the play area , for that path , before you get to the road .
23 Cos there 's already a a s a sport 's centre .
24 So I mean , Mr is quite correct in saying there 's already a significant er commuting movement between settlements to the north of York and and Leeds .
25 Yellow Pages everybody gets a free entry so there 's already a warm up situation .
26 First of all the much talked about third runway proposed for Heathrow , this 'll have a much stronger case for being located there , if there 's already a nice new terminal ready to cater for it .
27 You 've got the psychoanalytical approaches which came out of Vienna , you 've got behaviourism at the 1920 's and then you 've got the emergence of cognitive in the fifties and sixties , so there 's already a sort of historical structure there .
28 There 's already a waiting list for the piglets .
29 Cos there 's already a league cup int there ?
30 There 's already a hyperathan there , which Willy over chopped , it is a beautiful plant .
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