Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] accept " in BNC.

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1 One part of me , despite George Crowninshield 's reassurances , anticipated that the twins would emerge as shambling twitching wrecks , and for a second , believing my worst fears , I bitterly regretted accepting the senator 's charter .
2 I realized I just had to accept him for what he was , and when I learnt to do that , he did the same to me - accepted me without question , in all my imperfection , in all that made me unworthy of him .
3 I found it a bit disturbing sometimes but I just had to accept it .
4 I just had to accept that was him .
5 I was well aware of what would happen and I just have to accept it . ’
6 I also have to accept that maybe I 'm not that versatile , so I have to make sure that I 'm in the right situation to show myself off to my best advantage .
7 Yet I now had to accept , if not yet understand , that Margaret 's fundamental reason for not remarrying was the plain fact that she did not want to .
8 However , there was nothing I could do about it , and I simply had to accept the situation .
9 Then an attempted entry to a local authority hairdressing course went embarrassingly wrong ; it finished with Mrs Finni having to spell out her daughter 's handicap to students and a flustered teacher who eventually refused to accept responsibility for a girl who could never be left alone in the classroom .
10 It was hard and they hurt , but you soon learn to accept it and respect them as they do you .
11 It was hard and they hurt , but you soon learn to accept it and respect them as they do you .
12 The late and lovely Ronnie Peterson , one of the sport 's true gentlemen , and in 1976 about to become , after a disastrous season , Mario 's team-mate , said laconically that Chapman 's creation of ‘ marginal ’ cars — that is , of cars stripped of weight and precaution — was ‘ something you just had to accept ’ .
13 Was there ever any time when you just had to accept the fact that the hay would have to be carried in wet ?
14 You just have to accept things and get on with your life . ’
15 A stock of ‘ standard ’ components will not help when an unusual item is ‘ out of stock ’ , and with these you just have to accept that you are at the mercy of the suppliers .
16 I think you just have to accept that you have fairly shy fish — but they obviously like their home , as they are breeding .
17 Spence , the 29-year-old Kent player , said : ‘ Some of the pin positions were difficult but all the greens are sloping and you just have to accept them .
18 If you accept that unanimity is a near Impossibility , and that a majority decision is the next best thing , you also have to accept , as a general rule , that you will abide by a majority decision when it turns out that you are among the minority .
19 You also need to accept that the perfect horse has not yet been born .
20 Was she really prepared to accept all this humiliation for the sake of however many weekends he spared her before he tired of her ?
21 For example if you 've changed your mind and decide you did n't want the goods or if you had damaged the goods and the shop offer you a credit note , I think you really have to accept that with good grace , cos it is really your fault .
22 She too refused to accept the justice of the imprisonment .
23 Those that could moved away , and those that were confident that the local authority would offer them something better refused to accept them .
24 So we just had to accept he was right all along !
25 Perhaps we just have to accept it is God 's will that the unorthodox individual is doomed to years of frustration , ridicule and failure in order to act out his role in the scheme of things , until his day arrives and mankind is ready to receive his message .
26 Erm so we just have to accept that tourists do n't dress in those sort of clothes .
27 We just have to accept these things and get on with it .
28 Sitting there in the Cathedral Close in the weak spring sunlight , trying to grasp the enormity of the events we had lived through , we gradually came to accept that these things were now in the past , and the war was really over .
29 But the primary point , one now has to accept , is credibility .
30 But as with most documents that come as packages er , we either have to accept the good with the bad or say no , and enough 's enough .
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