Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] come from " in BNC.

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1 I had come from the hotel expecting to return , and was quite unprepared .
2 There was little conversation : nothing had happened in Dent that day worth the telling , and it was none of their business to ask where I had come from and where I was going .
3 The questions of who I was , where I had come from and where I was going struck them with confusion .
4 Where I had come from , in the English provinces , the markets were quite small , and reserved for food .
5 They could not understand where I had come from , or how I could possibly survive .
6 My Houy master was very interested in me , and as soon as I could speak the language , he asked me to explain where I had come from .
7 I did not want anybody to know where I had come from .
8 In spite of my difficulties , all the officers and men showed great kindness and patience ; except for one Australian officer who did not disguise the fact that he would have been only too happy to send me back to where I had come from .
9 My best course would have been to follow the track to the village , strike the road , and then to go along the road until I met the track by which I had come from the shore .
10 There had been little birdsong in the devastated places I had come from and I think it was the striking on my ear of the calling of a blackbird , so meaningful somehow as it sounded out clearly from the delicious chatter in those trees that made me feel the war was over .
11 And then I had come from erm what shall we say , a general , my grandparents had kept a general shop and general I mean , from baking , he was a baker er a butcher a coalman and my grandmother saw after the haberdashery , hats etcetera and the grocery .
12 So I had co I had come from , what would you say , the right stock , had n't I ?
13 That someone had come from abroad — be it Calais , Cairo , Boulogne or Bucharest : they scarcely distinguished .
14 Someone had come from the school and seen Emma , who had laughed them to scorn .
15 A micro-second after he saw the first flash , the bullet which had come from it was embedding itself in his skull .
16 If Adam had not issued from his hiding-place early in May they would not have been discovered ; but the messages which had come from Llewelyn were grave enough to warrant a risk which by then appeared so slight .
17 I mean , I did n't think , Well , he could float in space , and it never occurred to me to ask where Sooty himself had come from , or the wand , but I was already heading towards not believing , I suppose .
18 In March 1977 , at the age of sixteen , she had come from her village in a remote part of Pakistan to marry a cousin who had settled in Britain for many years .
19 She admitted she had come from London to gain recruits for the Communist Party , but denied any attempt to stir up strife .
20 We do not know at what date Matilda had gone to Wilton , but probably she had come from Scotland as a young girl with her aunt Christina in 1086 to be educated at Wilton .
21 She had come from the BBC .
22 She had come from across the county in Southend .
23 ‘ Worldly Paris mingled in these sessions with artists in sweaters who had come from the Rotonde and the Dôme …
24 Only in the Empress 's own apartments was there any sign of normality , where Eugénie had installed herself with her personal maid , her secretary and a handful of courtiers who had come from Saint Cloud to be with her .
25 We sent a message of solidarity to the 250 women on board the ship , who had come from different parts of the world including the Arab Region .
26 He closely questioned Charles Lisner , who had come from Australia to join the Sadler 's Wells Ballet , about a ballet which Laurel Martyn had made for the Victorian Ballet Guild using that score : her subject matter , general treatment and what Lisner thought of the ballet .
27 Mercer Lorrimore , unattended by the rest of his family , talked pleasantly with his trainer , who had come from Toronto , and shook hands with his jockey , the same one who had ridden for him at Woodbine .
28 He spoke to the lad who had come from the workhouse at the same time as Lydia .
29 One feels that Nyerere was specifically addressing educated people like himself , who had come from different backgrounds , absorbed European culture and manners , discovered a common nationalist cause and gone through a political campaign successfully together , yet still knew relatively little about one another 's cultural traditions .
30 Sports editor Bob Edwell , who had come from the Daily Express in London , was looking for sports writers , and above all the paper needed its back bench staffed by the all-important sub-editors , who prepare the reporters ' words ( the copy ) for the paper , and write the headlines .
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