Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] clear [conj] " in BNC.

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1 since he came to our Lordships House with some very and has had to sit this thing ever since then with one exception er to speeches deeply and seriously critical er of the proposals er coming from Members of your Lordships House mostly with vast experience of the subject matter former Secretary 's er er former Chief Constable er and er so many others and I arise only to put one point to you if my Noble Friend decides to resist these amendments , it seems to me I may be wrong but it seems to me overwhelmingly clear that they will be carrying against him and they will be put into the Bill which will be very considerably altered and amended , some of your Lordships may think improved , but certainly drastically altered and I wonder whether er my Noble Friend thinks that really would be helpful from the point of view either of the pr future progress of the Bill , or the position of the Government .
2 erm you know , because I want to do something more clear that 's gon na fit in with everybody else
3 There was , however , one perfectly clear and simple condition which had to be fulfilled if any rational deduction was to be drawn as to the effect of abolition .
4 Up to this point I have described these complex psychological developments in a manner which has attempted to make them as clear and as intelligible as possible .
5 What , if , after taking out my kidney and pronouncing me as clear as could be seen , a dreaded secondary was to occur ?
6 The second point i is this issue about self containment , er Mr Davis accused me this morning of using some somewhat outlandish words , I think , erm , I did obviously refer to the er my vision of what a new settlement of this size proposed would be , and I I did n't in that mean to imply that I did n't in that mean to imply that I did n't expect that with the right planning that it could n't have clearly local facilities , local school , library , etcetera , but it seemed to me quite clear that the scale proposed it would not have the higher order functions which as we 've heard earlier , Greater York has been defined based on York 's planning assumptions , clearly the major shopping , educational , and social facilities will continue to be provided in the city , and it will produce what is in effect dormitory settlement .
7 It makes it abundantly clear that even the possession and academic presentation of information necessary for an ethnography could be actionable .
8 Or he could follow the Germans , who have duly provided him with an excuse for higher base rates at next week 's party conference — but have also made it abundantly clear that the Bundesbank is the dominant monetary authority in Europe , and our much-vaunted independence is so much poppy-cock .
9 The Abraham narrative has made it abundantly clear that Isaac comes out of God 's bright blue .
10 Even if such gruesome events really were seized upon , in medieval and Renaissance times , as an excuse for uproarious carnival , Verdi 's music makes it abundantly clear that that is not at all what he intended .
11 Notwithstanding such criticisms , Tan seems to make it abundantly clear that if any change in the law 's attitude to transsexuals is to be forthcoming , it will certainly not come from the English courts .
12 Other may sit there stubbornly waiting for you to tell them what they are meant to do whilst making it abundantly clear that the session is hardly welcome , indeed is being conducted almost under duress .
13 It would be foolish to suppose that we can penetrate the causes of this striking movement with any precision ; but the example of John of Salisbury makes it abundantly clear that the love of travel , the fashion for wandering , played a major role .
14 A ‘ Money Bill ’ for this purpose is any Commons Bill which the Speaker certifies to be such , and the Parliament Acts make it abundantly clear that his certification is final and conclusive and beyond challenge in any other forum .
15 The notices make it abundantly clear that anyone being so naughty is breaking the law .
16 He 'd made it abundantly clear that Hari was of no account in the community , that she could not be trusted to carry any weight with lawyers and the like .
17 I believe that those provisions make it abundantly clear that the penalties that will be visited upon those who attempt to corrupt youth will be stern and relentless .
18 The rationale behind this decision may be to make it abundantly clear that the child is not the product of the adopters ' relationship with each other or with anyone else .
19 She could hardly descend on Giovanna Sassanta 's house without an appointment , and Anthony had made it abundantly clear that he did not want her to cross the threshold of his hospital .
20 His writings prior to departure make it abundantly clear that the image of the USSR firmly implanted in his mind was that of a country in full post-revolutionary expansion engaged in the construction of a new society , a new culture and a new man , a country in which social relations were no longer based on human exploitation , and in which the deathly oppression of an exploiting class had been eradicated .
21 ‘ I have put my Spirit upon him ; he will bring forth justice to the nations ’ says God through the prophet And now the Spirit had come , and Mark 's account of the baptism makes it abundantly clear that he sees Jesus as the Messianic Son and the Suffering Servant , equipped or his … stupendous task with the Spirit of God promised for the end-time .
22 The context in Mark 3:20–30 makes it abundantly clear that by his cures and exorcisms Jesus is driving out the demons .
23 ‘ You made it abundantly clear that you have one hell of a good social life at home .
24 As for rural railways and other parts of the subsidised railway , the Government have made it abundantly clear that investment will go ahead .
25 I have made it abundantly clear that the licences of the regional electricity companies require them to purchase from the cheapest suppliers .
26 Mr Zaphiriou seems to state that the whole of the Treaty and all regulations are directly applicable in this country ( p 4 ) , yet sec 2 ( 1 ) of the European Communities Act , 1972 , makes it abundantly clear that only those rules of Community law , be they derived from the Treaty or the acts of the institutions , which are directly applicable under Community law have direct effect in this country .
27 However , even if the L.G.U. was left wondering if it should n't have kept the public better informed , it must have been greatly heartened by the number of spectators who not only came to this out-of-the-way championship but made it abundantly clear that they were greatly taken with the high standard of play .
28 The point was hammered home by the arrest of Hedilla , when he refused to accept a position on the Party Political Committee ( appointed on 22 April ) ; by the conditions for negotiation communicated by the Nationalists to the Basque government via Cavaletti , which made it abundantly clear that Franco did not want a " separate peace " but total surrender ; and , finally , by the blitzkrieg bombardment of the Basque market town of Guernica , historic cradle of Basque nationalism , on 26 April 1937 .
29 Nevertheless , the 1980 Act makes it abundantly clear that , though districts are the development control authorities , they must direct their decisions to the implementation of the structure plan for their area .
30 It would be less embarrassing if , without apparently knowing what had been said , she made it abundantly clear that Didi Lombard had been totally wrong , she was n't smitten , and as for eating out of his hand … !
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