Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [noun] choose " in BNC.

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1 They will be able to plant wild bird cover , he said , and there will be plenty of options to choose from : headlands , whole fields or any mix of these .
2 If you want a lengthier walk there are plenty of routes to choose from in the forest .
3 The island 's best beaches lie along the norther and eastern coasts with plenty of sand to choose from .
4 Trampolining in Outer Mongolia may not be your heart 's desire , but there are plenty of others to choose from .
5 This is the ideal resort for those in search of a quiet holiday in a traditional , pleasant and uncrowded town with the option of plenty of excursions to choose from .
6 garden centres should still have plenty of bulbs to choose from .
7 ‘ There is plenty of accommodation to choose from and the days when you were forced to pay lots of money for grotty rentals have gone . ’
8 It was pointed out that the modular nature of the new advanced provision lends itself to students choosing groups of units which , although having vocational relevance for the individual or a particular employer , do not satisfy the criteria for an existing HNC or HND .
9 His occupation is solitary , inconspicuous , and largely free from direct supervision , leaving him at liberty to choose , within the constraints of his sampling programme , how he does his job .
10 Both pulls are strong and theories which purport to reconcile them tend to be fragile , even though they capture a stout commonsense conviction that , as Marx put it , ‘ Men make their own history but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves . ’
11 We think that a coherent radical pluralism can be constructed on the basis of a humanism which accepts , as Marx put it , that human beings ‘ make their own history , but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves ’ ( Marx , 1977 : 300 ) .
12 ‘ 'Men make their own history , ’ to quote the master , ‘ but they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves , but under circumstances directly encountered , given and transmitted from the past .
13 The Iranians might welcome a secession in Iraq 's south , especially if the Shias who detached themselves from Baghdad chose later to attach themselves to their co-religionists in Tehran .
14 There are lots of footpaths to choose from , so getting around is no problem , though it can be fiddly in places .
15 If you force people to choose between a family and a job I suppose , you know , women lots of women choose the family erm the only way women will achieve more educationally is to be able to combine the two things and not always have to make these crippling decisions and choices between two things which most human beings want , so there is a lot of money being spent on research into sex inequality and so on , and that 's encouraging , but I think it 's being spent in slightly the wrong way and I think there 's a tendency to evade the crucial issues which are , of course , rather deep social issues about the organization of the family and work and they take a lot of changing , so I am ambivalent about that one .
16 Today , the story could n't be more different — a head of curls is no hassle for anyone and there are lots of looks to choose from .
17 With lots of stalls to choose from there was plenty to carry home promising a busy weekend in the garden .
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